Monday, October 27, 2008

MIG appoints global coordinators/bookrunners of new share capital increase

MIG appoints global coordinators/bookrunners of new share capital increase

The Board of Directors of Marfin Investment Group (the ?Company?) on Monday announced the appointment of Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch and Morgan Stanley as Joint Global Coordinators and Joint Bookrunners, and UBS Limited as a Joint Bookunner in its proposed share capital increase of 5 billion euros.

Credit Agricole Cheuvreux, Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Ltd and Investment Bank of Greece have been appointed to act as co-lead managers in the proposed transaction.

The decision for the new, major share capital increase was announced by the Board of Directors on September 30.

Previously, MIG successfully completed a share capital increase of €5.2 billion euros in July 2007.

MIG executive vice-chairman Andreas Vgenopoulos had noted that with the Group's exisiting cash resources, coupled with the proceeds of the share capital increase underway, MIG was ideally placed to take advantage of the investment opportunities arising, aiming to maximize returns for its shareholders.

He added that MIG's new investment strategy will primarily focus on the financial sector in Greece and the wider Southeast Europe region "whereby in the consolidation round which will follow we can act as the partner of choice for counterparties in friendly transactions".

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