Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Apple Adds Gifting to iBookstore

iBooks Gifting
Apple has added the ability to gift ebooks to friends and family through the iBookstore, reports MacworldUsers have long been able to purchase songs, movies or TV shows through iTunes, as well as standard gift cards, but the ability to gift a...

Refillable electronic cigarettes face EU ban

A person smokes a refillable electronic cigarette
\The European Union has struck a deal which could curb the booming market in electronic cigarettes and lead to an EU-wide ban on a popular version of the nicotine device.
In hard-fought negotiations between the 28 governments of the EU and the European parliament, both sides agreed on Tuesday that refillable e-cigarettes could be banned across Europe if three countries decided on prohibition...

EasyJet on trial in France for refusing disabled passengers

PARIS - EasyJet goes to court in France this week to fight two separate legal challenges by disabled passengers who it refused to fly, in the latest accusations of discrimination against the budget airline.

The British company is being challenged over its refusal to allow two female wheelchair-users - one of whom was travelling to her son's funeral in Portugal - to fly unaccompanied.

The airline has argued that it acted for safety reasons, and in compliance with British and European laws...

Man's severed hand attached to his ankle

Doctors have kept a Chinese man's severed hand alive by stitching it to his ankle after a work accident severed it. Xiao Wei's right hand was reportedly temporarily attached to his left ankle for a month before surgeons reattached it, largely because injuries to his arm required immediate attention before the...

Auto-Playing Video Ads Will Infiltrate Facebook News Feeds Starting This Thursday (video)

This Thursday, Facebook will launch auto-playing video ads in some of its users' News Feeds. The ads will appear both on desktop and mobile devices.
The Wall Street Journal first reported the news which Facebook has since confirmed...

Emily Ratajkowski is the woman of 2013

Emily Ratajkowski is the woman of 2013

There have been a lot of people around the world who have had a very good year this year but there is no denying that, the person who has had the most successful 2013 in the...
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