Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Huge explosion rocks uptown Manhattan causing two buildings to collapse (live streaming video & pics)

Huge explosion rocks uptown ManhattanA huge explosion rocked an East Harlem building Wednesday morning, causing it to collapse.
Officials confirmed that the blast brought down a building on Park Avenue near the corner of East 116th Street, reducing it to rubble...

Το νέο Υπουργικό σχήμα και οι άλλοι νέοι διορισμοί

Αυτές είναι οι αλλαγές στο υπουργικό σχήμα, οι οποίες ανακοινώθηκαν από τον Κυβερνητικό Εκπρόσωπο, Χρήστο Στυλιανίδη...

Join the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight

Authorities have yet to locate Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, which mysteriously lost contact with air traffic control on over the weekend, but a satellite operator in the US hopes that crowdsourcing could help find it. 
As the Wall Street Journal reports, Colorado-based DigitalGlobe has...

Riding A Motorcycle While Wearing Google Glass Looks Like You're In A Video Game (video)

motorcycle glass gif
While you might have heard a lot about Google Glass, you may not know exactly what the experience of wearing the device would be like.

This video gives a pretty good idea.
YouTube user...
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