Monday, December 30, 2013

The NSA's elite hackers can hijack your Wi-Fi from 8 miles away

Attendees at the Chaos Communications Congress in Hamburg this weekend got a surprising rundown of the NSA's surveillance capabilities, courtesy of security researcher Jacob Appelbaum. 
Appelbaum, who co-wrote the Der Spiegel article that first revealed the NSA catalog, went into further detail onstage, describing several individual devices in the...

France’s Hollande Gets Court Approval for 75% Millionaire Tax

French President Francois Hollande received approval from the country’s constitutional court to proceed with his plan to tax salaries above 1 million euros at 75 percent for this year and next.
Under Hollande’s proposal, companies will...

NSA intercepts laptop deliveries to install spyware

NSA Spy MalwareNew light has been shed on the extensive scope of the National Security Agency’s spying operations yet again in a couple of reports from German publication Der Spiegel, which reveal various new “features” of the covert intelligence operations conducted by the NSA’s “geek” armies...

Queen's guitarist Brian May 'Cautiously Optimistic' Following Cancer Scare

(Classic Rock) Queen guitarist Brian May has opened up about his recent cancer scare, telling fans that he underwent a series of "urgent" tests before Christmas and he's feeling "cautiously optimistic."

He's offered fans his thanks for their support, saying he didn't realise until he'd broken his silence just how many other...

25 apps you should download right now

best apps downloadIf you got a new smartphone or tablet for Christmas, you might be feeling overwhelmed when you start poking around the app store...

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