Thursday, September 25, 2014

We can now remotely control paralyzed rats, letting them walk again: Humans are next (video)

RatwalkIn the void left by the anticlimactic World Cup exoskeleton adventure, other efforts to make the paralyzed walk again are recapturing the spotlight. Chief among them is Grégoire Courtine’s research group at the EPFL in Switzerland...

This is what HTC's (RECamera) GoPro competitor looks like (pics & video)

recamera1-htcHTC is getting ready to release a GoPro-style action camera called the RECamera. 
That's the takeaway from a teaser video the company released today, which is filled with plenty of action shots — some of them underwater...

This is ‘Shamu,’ Motorola’s upcoming Nexus 6/X

shamufinal2Google’s upcoming “Nexus 6″ (some claim it will be called “Nexus X”) has long been rumored, and there have been many leaked specifications and details rolling out for quite some time now

But there hasn’t been much solid information about the device quite yet, leaving many who have passed on the iPhone 6 and OnePlus One hopelessly waiting to know if the wait will be worth it. For those of you who fall into this category, you’re in luck...
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