Thursday, October 9, 2014

Apple reminds two-factor users about changes starting tomorrow, provides instructions for passwords

Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 10.40.34 PMApple has sent an email to users of its two-factor authentication system reminding them of an upcoming change to the feature that will take effect tomorrow. 

Originally the requirement for app-specific passwords was supposed to start on the first of the month, but Apple has informed users that it will begin tomorrow instead...

HTC announces $199 GoPro-like camera accessory ‘RE’ for Android and iPhone (video)

Screen Shot 2014-10-08 at 4.44.13 PMJust as we expected it to, HTC has just announced the RE camera during its Double Exposure event in New York City. 

The RE camera is a GoPro-like camera that records point of view video, but does not have any sort of viewfinder, which HTC says makes it incredibly easy and simple to use...
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