Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Missing: hard drive containing Bitcoins worth £4m in Newport landfill site

Damian blog : Seaton Meadows Landfill site in Hartlepool
Buried somewhere under four feet of mud and rubbish, in the Docksway landfill site near Newport, Wales, in a space about the size of a football pitch is a computer hard drive worth more than £4m.
It belonged to James Howells, who threw it out when he was clearing up his desk in mid-summer and discovered the part, rescued from a defunct Dell laptop. He found it in a drawer and put it in a bin...

Black Friday 2013: Best Deals on the iPad, iPad Air, and iPad mini

On Black Friday, multiple retailers will begin offering discounts on Apple's lineup of tablets, including the iPad Air, the original mini, and the iPad 2. Stores are heavily competing on price this year to get customers into their stores, which is a major win for consumers as prices have dropped to all time lows.

We've listed the best iPad deals from our Black Friday Roundup below, but many of these discounts will be popular so customers looking for a stellar price should aim to get to stores early. Prices and inventory can also change quickly, and...

Foxconn building 500K iPhone 5s units for Apple per day with nonstop production lines


In a bid to increase supply of Apple's flagship iPhone 5s, Foxconn — the company's largest manufacturing partner — has dedicated 100 assembly lines to the handset and is now operating 24-hours-per-day, according to...

Apple's iOS brings developers 5x more revenue per download than Android

iOS vs. Android revenue

Despite Android's significantly larger installed base, iOS continues to dominate in monetization with a five-times-greater return rate for developers — a sign that Cupertino's market segmentation strategy is paying dividends for application creators...

3 Killed in Collapse at Venue Hosting World Cup Opener (video)

Part of the stadium that will host the 2014 World Cup opener in Brazil collapsed on Wednesday, causing significant damage and killing three people, authorities said.
The accident could delay the delivery of the stadium in Sao Paulo by FIFA's December deadline to have all 12 venues ready. Work was immediately halted at the Itaquerao Stadium, which was practically completed before the collapse...

Apple Inc. beats Microsoft, Google to top valuable brands list: Forbes

AppleGlobal technology major Apple is the world's most valuable brand followed by Microsoft, Coca-Cola, IBM and Google, according to Forbes magazine.

Apple has topped the World's Most Valuable List compiled by Forbes with a brand value of $104.3 billion, nearly double the other technology major,..

Αλλάζει η μετοχική σύνθεση cdb bank

Καταρχήν συμφωνία για απόκτηση σημαντικού ποσοστού στη cdb bank υπέγραψαν μεγαλομέτοχοι της τράπεζας με ρώσο επενδυτή. 

Σε δηλώσεις της στη StockWatch, η CEO της τράπεζας Άντρη Γεωργίου ανέφερε ότι η συμφωνία που υπεγράφη είναι προκαταρτική...
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