Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Listen to iOS 7′s new ringtones and text tones [video]

The iOS 7 GM brings with it a slew of new ringtones that have replaced all of the default sounds for the device. All of the older ringtones are still available in a “Classic” ringtone...

Το νέο ΔΣ της Τράπεζας Κύπρου

Νέο διοικητικό συμβούλιο απέκτησε η νέα Τράπεζα Κύπρου, μετά από μια μακρά γενική συνέλευση. Τα νέα μέλη του ΔΣ συγκροτούν οι:...

Apple's New iPhone 5s, 5c and iOS 7

The New iPhone 5s with a number of changes...

Google introduces Chrome Apps for Chrome OS and Windows

Google has introduced Chrome Apps for those using Chrome OS or Windows computers. Unlike the apps that you had for Chrome until now that always ran...

This Clip-On Device Lets You Read Your Tablet While You Run

Rnrddvic9087aFor many fitness junkies, the solution for multitasking their way toward a better body and mind means “reading” audio books while putting in miles on the treadmill. But for those who still believe that actually reading the text of their favorite novel beats any audio version, the options have been pretty limited—until now.
Weartrons, a group of New York-based...
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