Monday, August 12, 2013

Pirate Bay launches easy anti-censorship browser

Screenshot from pirateproxy.seThe Pirate Bay has released a self-configured browser package, which allows users to skate around the anti-piracy censorship of certain governments. Now one can access TPB and other file-sharing websites blocked by internet providers in...

Buttercup the duck walks 'normally' thanks to 3D-printed foot

Buttercup is a duck that doesn't walk quite like any other — thanks to a 3D-printed left foot. Buttercup was hatched at a Arlington, Texas, high school with his left foot turned backwards. That prompted the school to give the duck over to the Feathered...

Scientists say Jupiter moon landing best shot at finding habitable world

AFP Photo / NASANew research indicates Jupiter’s moon Europa is the most likely spot in our solar system to support life outside of the Earth, and NASA is currently developing a mission to...

French WWII POWs built hidden camera, filmed Nazis

French soldiers held in a Nazi prison camp during World War II managed to smuggle in parts to construct a movie camera and film their escape attempt.
Escaping from Nazi prison camps, of necessity,...

Swedish male skinny-dippers warned after testicle-attacking pacu fish found in local lakes

NUDE swimming in Sweden has become risky business after an invasive species of fish infamous for attacking testicles was...

Στο κόκκινο οι πωλήσεις ακινήτων

Νέα πτώση κατέγραψαν οι πωλήσεις ακινήτων τον Ιούλιο του 2013 παρά τη βελτίωση της εξωγενούς ζήτησης. 

Η ανάκαμψη του τομέα ακινήτων φαίνεται να αργεί...

Tennis - Serena destroys Cirstea to win women's Rogers Cup

Serena Williams (Reuters)Williams completely overwhelmed her unseeded opponent to cruise to victory in less than an hour and claim the Rogers Cup for the third time...

World Championships - Bolt reigns supreme in Moscow in 100m

Usain Bolt (AFP)Behind the Jamaican superstar, who took his fourth individual world title, American Justin Gatlin won silver in 9.85 and Bolt’s countryman Nesta Carter took bronze in 9.95...
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