Sunday, October 18, 2009

Αλλες 20.000 απολύσεις από τον όμιλο ThyssenKrupp

Αλλες 20.000 απολύσεις από τον όμιλο ThyssenKrupp

Ο όμιλος ThyssenKrupp θα προβεί σε 20.000 νέες απολύσεις το τρέχον οικονομικό έτος, μετά την κατάργηση 12.000 θέσεων εργασίας κατά το οικονομικό έτος που μόλις τέλειωσε, αναφέρει δημοσίευμα της εφημερίδας Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung χθες Σάββατο.

Όπως γράφει η εφημερίδα, η διοίκηση του ομίλου έλαβε την απόφαση αυτή εξαιτίας της διεθνούς οικονομικής κρίσης.

«Μέσω αποεπενδύσεων και αναδιατάξεων, το προσωπικό της εταιρείας το επόμενο οικονομικό έτος θα μειωθεί ξανά κατά 15.000 έως 20.000 θέσεις», δήλωσε ο επικεφαλής του γερμανικού ομίλου, Έκχαρτ Σουλτς.

Όπως διευκρίνισε ο ίδιος στη Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, οι περισσότερες απολύσεις θα είναι αποτέλεσμα της πώλησης θυγατρικών και τμημάτων του ομίλου, ενώ 2.000 έως 3.000 εργαζόμενοι θα απολυθούν από τον διοικητικό τομέα στη Γερμανία και στο εξωτερικό.

Το οικονομικό έτος 2008-2009, το οποίο ολοκληρώθηκε το Σεπτέμβριο, η ThyssenKrupp μείωσε κατά 12.000 τους εργαζομένους της στη Γερμανία, τη Γαλλία, τη Βρετανία και τη Ρουμανία.


Κεφάλαια 548 εκατ. επιστρέφει η Coca-Cola 3Ε στους μετόχους της

Κεφάλαια 548 εκατ. επιστρέφει η Coca-Cola 3Ε στους μετόχους της

Την έγκρισή της για την επιστροφή κεφαλαίου προς τους μετόχους ύψους 1,5 ευρώ ανά μετοχή έδωσε χθες η έκτακτη γενική συνέλευση της Coca-Cola Τρία Εψιλον.

Ο διευθύνων σύμβουλος της Coca-Cola Τρία Εψιλον, Δώρος Κωνσταντίνου.
Ειδικότερα, η γενική συνέλευση ενέκρινε την αύξηση του μετοχικού κεφαλαίου της εταιρείας κατά το ποσό των 548.111.772 ευρώ με κεφαλαιοποίηση αποθεματικών με αύξηση της ονομαστικής αξίας της μετοχής κατά το ποσό του 1,50 ευρώ ανά μετοχή, δηλαδή από 0,50 ευρώ σε 2 ευρώ ανά μετοχή και τη μείωση του μετοχικού κεφαλαίου κατά το ποσό των 548.111.772 ευρώ με μείωση της ονομαστικής αξίας της μετοχής κατά το ποσό του 1,50 ευρώ ανά μετοχή, δηλαδή από 2 ευρώ σε 0,50 ευρώ και την επιστροφή του ποσού της μείωσης του κεφαλαίου στους μετόχους της εταιρείας με καταβολή μετρητών.

Σημειώνεται ότι η γενική συνέλευση πραγματοποιήθηκε με απαρτία που πλησίασε το 80%, ενώ τα θέματα της ημερήσιας διάταξης καταψήφισε το 5% των μετοχών που συμμετείχαν στη συνέλευση.

Παράγοντες της εταιρείας που ερωτήθηκαν για την πορεία της κατά την τρέχουσα χρήση δεν δέχθηκαν να διατυπώσουν σχόλια, δηλώνοντας ότι στο διάστημα που ακολουθεί θα ανακοινωθούν τα αποτελέσματα εννεαμήνου 2009, από τα οποία θα προκύψουν πολύ συγκεκριμένα οικονομικά ή άλλα στοιχεία για τις επιδώσεις της εισηγμένης.

Η επέκταση

Τα ίδια στελέχη αναφέρθηκαν μόνο στην αγορά της Ρωσίας, την οποία χαρακτήρισαν δύσκολη λόγω και των δυσμενών οικονομικών συγκυριών, τόνισαν ωστόσο ότι η εταιρεία κινείται ανοδικά, βελτιώνοντας τη θέση της στην τοπική αγορά, με αύξηση των μεριδίων και επέκταση της διανομής της.

Ανάλογα σχόλια διατυπώθηκαν και για την αγορά της Ρουμανίας, όπου η κατανάλωση κινείται πτωτικά, ενώ για την εγχώρια αγορά, όπου στα οργανωμένα δίκτυα παρατηρείται τόνωση του ανταγωνισμού, επισημάνθηκε ότι η εταιρεία θα επιμείνει να απαντά στον ανταγωνισμό σε άμεσο χρόνο, ώστε να μη χάσει τη δυναμική της.

Τα μεγέθη

Σημειώνεται ότι στο πρώτο εξάμηνο του 2009 η Coca-Cola Τρία Εψιλον είχε ανακοινώσει συγκρίσιμα καθαρά κέρδη ύψους 201 εκατ. ευρώ, μειωμένα κατά 4% σε σχέση με πέρυσι, αύξηση του όγκου πωλήσεων κατά 2%, στο 1,033 δισ. κιβώτια, αλλά και μείωση των καθαρών εσόδων από τις πωλήσεις κατά 1%, στα 3,266 δισ. ευρώ.

Στο ίδιο διάστημα τα καθαρά κέρδη της εισηγμένης διαμορφώθηκαν στα 190 εκατ. ευρώ μειωμένα κατά 9%, τα συγκρίσιμα κέρδη εξαμήνου ανά μετοχή σε 0,55 ευρώ μειωμένα κατά 5% και τα κέρδη ανά μετοχή στα 0,52 ευρώ μειωμένα κατά 10%.

Κατά τον κ. Δώρο Κωνσταντίνου, διευθύνοντα σύμβουλο της Coca-Cola Τρία Εψιλον, η εταιρεία αύξησε στο εξάμηνο του 2009 το μερίδιο αγοράς σε όγκο και αξία στην κατηγορία των μη αλκοολούχων αναψυκτικών σε πολλές από τις σημαντικές αγορές όπου δραστηριοποιείται.

Σε ό,τι αφορά τις οικονομίες κλίμακος που επιχειρεί η εταιρεία για το 2009, έχει ήδη ανακοινωθεί ότι θα φθάσουν τα 115 με 120 εκατ. ευρώ.

Σύμφωνα με την εταιρεία, ο στόχος αυτός περιλαμβάνει την εξοικονόμηση κόστους κατά περίπου 100 εκατ. ευρώ, η οποία σχετίζεται με διάφορες πρωτοβουλίες για τη μείωση των λειτουργικών εξόδων και περαιτέρω βελτίωση της παραγωγικότητας της τάξης των 15-20 εκατ. ευρώ από δραστηριότητες αναδιάρθρωσης που πραγματοποιούνται σε διάφορες χώρες.

Η εισηγμένη αναμένει επίσης εφάπαξ προ φόρων δαπάνες της τάξης περίπου των 30 εκατ. ευρώ από τις διαδικασίες αναδιάρθρωσης, που ανέλαβε το 2009, που αναμένεται να επιφέρουν ετήσιο όφελος 25-30 εκατ. ευρώ στα επόμενα χρόνια.


Housing, Leading Index Probably Improved: U.S. Economy Preview

Housing, Leading Index Probably Improved: U.S. Economy Preview

Oct. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Homebuilders and real-estate agents were probably busier in September, and the index of leading indicators increased, adding to evidence the next U.S. expansion has begun, economists said before reports this week.

Construction started last month on 610,000 houses at an annual rate, the most since November, according to the median forecast of 53 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News before an Oct. 20 Commerce Department report. Sales of existing homes rose to a two-year high and the gauge of the economy’s future course advanced for a sixth month, other reports may show.

Housing is stabilizing as Americans take advantage of government programs, including credits for first-time buyers and efforts to lower borrowing costs, aimed at stemming the recession. Some Federal Reserve policy makers remain concerned the economy will relapse should the stimulus be removed too soon, signaling interest rates will remain low for months.

“The housing market is recovering from very depressed levels,” said Zach Pandl, an economist at Nomura Securities International Inc. in New York. “We’re definitely emerging from recession, finding a bottom in some sectors, but the recovery is still uneven and it’s not particularly vigorous.”

Building permits, a sign of future activity, may have risen to a 590,000 pace, also the highest since November, the Commerce Department’s report on housing starts may show, according to the survey median.

In April, builders broke ground on new homes at a record- low 479,000 pace.

Leading Index

The index of leading economic indicators, due from the New York-based Conference Board on Oct. 22, may have risen 0.9 percent, according to the survey of economists. The gain was probably driven by the increase in building permits, a drop in claims for jobless benefits and an improvement in consumers’ outlooks, economists said.

A sixth consecutive gain in the leading index would mark the best performance since early 2004.

U.S. stocks have risen in recent weeks amid better-than- forecast earnings and signs the economy is improving. The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index closed at the highest level in a year on Oct. 15.

Google Inc., the world’s most popular Internet search engine, plans to resume hiring and acquisitions after the recovering economy helped third-quarter sales beat analysts’ estimates. Large customers stepped up spending on Google ads last quarter, a rebound from the first half of the year, Chief Financial Officer Patrick Pichette said.

‘Incredible Recession’

“We weathered what is an incredible recession,” Pichette said in an interview last week. “If you have all this behind you, the only outcome you should have as management is: ‘OK, let’s build now.’”

Fed policy makers at their September meeting decided to slow purchases of mortgage securities to avoid disrupting the housing market while extending the duration of the program by three months. In the minutes of the Sept. 22-23 meeting, which were released last week, they noted the housing market and retail sales got a boost from government incentives.

The Fed’s Beige Book report on regional economies, scheduled to be released on Oct. 21, will be used by policy makers to gauge the state of the housing market and the economy overall when they meet again in the first week of November.

An Oct. 23 report from the National Association of Realtors may show that sales of existing homes rose to a 5.35 million rate last month, according to the Bloomberg survey. That would be the highest level since August 2007.

Less Pessimistic

Tomorrow, a report may show builder confidence continued to climb this month. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo index probably rose to 20 from 19, economists surveyed said. It would be the seventh straight increase. While higher, readings less than 50 still signal that most respondents view conditions as poor.

Finally, a Labor Department report on Oct. 20 may show wholesale prices were unchanged in September, compared with a 1.7 percent increase a month earlier. Excluding food and energy, prices increased 0.1 percent, compared with a 0.2 percent gain in August, according to the survey, indicating inflation isn’t a risk as the economy recovers.

Bloomberg Survey

Release Period Prior Median
Indicator Date Value Forecast
NAHB Housing Index 10/19 Oct. 19 20
PPI MOM% 10/20 Sept. 1.7% 0.0%
Core PPI MOM% 10/20 Sept. 0.2% 0.1%
PPI YOY% 10/20 Sept. -4.3% -4.3%
Core PPI YOY% 10/20 Sept. 2.3% 2.0%
Housing Starts ,000’s 10/20 Aug. 598 610
Building Permits ,000’s 10/20 Aug. 580 590
Initial Claims ,000’s 10/22 10-Oct 514 517
Cont. Claims ,000’s 10/22 3-Oct 5992 5990
LEI MOM% 10/22 Sept. 0.6% 0.9%
Exist Homes Mlns 10/23 Sept. 5.10 5.35
Exist Homes MOM% 10/23 Sept. -2.7% 5.0%


ΗΠΑ: 30.383 νέες θέσεις εργασίας λόγω TARP

ΗΠΑ: 30.383 νέες θέσεις εργασίας λόγω TARP

Ο Λευκός Οίκος δημοσιοποίησε τα πρώτα απτά στοιχεία για το πόσες θέσεις εργασίας δημιουργήθηκαν με την εφαρμογή του προγράμματος στήριξης ύψους 787 δισ. δολαρίων.

Μέχρι στιγμής, οι εταιρίες που έχουν λάβει συμβάσεις στήριξης κατευθείαν από την ομοσπονδιακή κυβέρνηση, έχουν δημιουργήσει 30.383 θέσεις εργασίας. Σε αυτές οι εταιρίες έχουν απονεμηθεί συμβάσεις ύψους 16 δισ. δολ. και πραγματικά κεφάλαια 2,2 δισ. δολ. μέχρι στιγμής.

Η δημιουργία θέσεων εργασίας χάρη στα πακέτα στήριξης, έχουν καταστεί ακανθώδες ζήτημα, με τους Ρεπουμπλικανούς να κατηγορούν την κυβέρνηση Obama ότι δεν κατόρθωσε να κρατήσει την υπόσχεση επιστροφής των Αμερικανών πολιτών στην αγορά εργασίας.

Μέχρι στιγμής, η ομοσπονδιακή κυβέρνηση έχει θέσει προς διάθεση συνολικά 256,3 δισ. δολ. σε συμβάσεις, επιδοτήσεις και δάνεια κι έχει πληρώσει 110,7 δισ. δολ. σε υπηρεσίες της γενικής και τοπικής κυβέρνησης, σε μη κερδοσκοπικούς φορείς και σε εταιρίες.

Η πρώτη έκθεση για την δημιουργία των θέσεων εργασίας στον ιδιωτικό τομέα, αποτελεί τμήμα της ευρύτερης έκθεσης για το πόσες θέσεις δημιούργησε το πρόγραμμα TARP.

Συλλήψεις 6 Αμερικανών insiders σε hedge funds

Συλλήψεις 6 Αμερικανών insiders σε hedge funds

Οι εισαγγελικές Αρχές των ΗΠΑ και το FBI απήγγειλαν κατηγορίες εναντίον έξι υψηλόβαθμων στελεχών hedge funds για εγκλήματα όπως χρηματιστηριακή απάτη και συνομωσία, στα οποία περιλαμβάνονται και κατηγορίες για insider trading ύψους 20 εκατ. δολαρίων.

Οι συναλλαγές με εσωτερική πληροφόρηση έγιναν από μέρους του Galleon Technology Fund, του New Castle fund και του Intel Capital σε μετοχές μεταξύ των οποίων των Polycom, Hilton Hotels, Google, International Business Machines, Advanced Micro Devices και Sun Microsystems, σύμφωνα με τις κατηγορίες.

Και οι έξι κατηγορούμενοι έχουν συλληφθεί.


Galleon Case Ushers in Wiretaps for Financial Crimes

Oct. 17 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. prosecutors who used wiretaps to make their insider trading case against billionaire Raj Rajaratnam, founder of hedge fund firm Galleon Group, said they will use similar tactics to fight future crimes on Wall Street.

U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in Manhattan said yesterday that the Justice Department will employ the same kind of electronic surveillance traditionally reserved for organized crime, drug syndicates and terrorism prosecutions. Bharara, whose office has jurisdiction over the headquarters of some of the world’s biggest financial firms, said investigators relied on wiretaps to build a case against Rajaratnam and former directors at a Bear Stearns Cos. hedge fund.

“What’s very unusual is that the case is built on wiretaps,” said Robert Mintz, a former federal prosecutor and partner in the Newark, New Jersey, office of the law firm McCarter & English. “You need very specific and timely evidence of criminal activity before a judge is going to let you go up on a wiretap.”

Rajaratnam, 52, faces 13 fraud and conspiracy counts, many of which carry 20-year maximum sentences. Under federal sentencing guidelines, he faces 10 years in prison if convicted at trial, Assistant U.S. Attorney Josh Klein said in court yesterday. Galleon Partners, based in Manhattan, has offices in London, Singapore, Mumbai, and Menlo Park, California.

$20 Million

Mintz said the alleged $20 million scheme is the most elaborate insider-trading ring discovered since the 1980s when the government began using criminal laws to prosecute such allegations.

“This was an extensive web of insider trading built upon years of contacts and strategically placed people,” the former prosecutor said. “Typically, insider trading cases are much more narrowly focused on some significant deal that’s leaked from one or two sources. The more people who have knowledge, the more potential that the scheme will be uncovered.”

Also arrested yesterday were Rajiv Goel, who worked at Intel Capital as a director in strategic investments, Anil Kumar, who worked as a director at McKinsey & Co., and IBM Corp. executive Robert Moffat. The former officials at Bear Stearns Asset Management are Danielle Chiesi and Mark Kurland, who were affiliated with the firm’s New Castle Partners, which managed about $1 billion. Prosecutors called it the biggest insider trading case involving hedge funds.

‘Scratch My Back’

“The defendants operated in a world of, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch your back,” Bharara said at a press conference yesterday. “Greed, sometimes, is not good.”

He said the prosecution is the first time wiretaps have been used to target insider trading, calling the case “unprecedented.”

Galleon, which started as a hedge fund firm focusing on technology and health-care stocks, grew to more than $5 billion in 2001 from its start in January 1997. Rajaratnam founded Galleon with three other colleagues from Needham & Co., an investment bank that focused on technology and health-care companies.

Galleon Management, the company’s advisory business, oversaw more than $2.6 billion at the end of March, mostly on behalf of hedge funds, according to regulatory filings it submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at the time. Rajaratnam held a 50 percent to 75 percent controlling stake, according to the documents.

$100 Million Bail

At yesterday’s court hearing, U.S. Magistrate Judge Douglas Eaton in Manhattan set Rajaratnam’s bail at $100 million, to be secured by $20 million in assets and guaranteed by his wife and four others. Rajaratnam, who gave up his passport, may not travel more than 110 miles from New York City.

Klein asked Eaton to hold Rajaratnam in jail pending his trial. He said the hedge fund manager had “enormous incentive” to flee to his native Sri Lanka or elsewhere. The prosecutor said there’s additional evidence, there may be more charges against Rajaratnam and that the case is “overwhelming.”

Rajaratnam told court officials after his arrest that he was worth $200 million, Klein said in court, adding that the hedge fund founder is a billionaire.

Defense attorney Jim Walden said prosecutors are misconstruing the evidence against Rajaratnam and that the case isn’t as strong as they allege.

“This is a simple insider trading case,” Walden said.

The other defendants arrested in New York were also freed after posting bonds between $2 million and $5 million. Goel was arrested in California, the government said.

‘Shocked’ at Arrest

Alan Kaufman, the attorney for Chiesi, 43, said in an interview that his client was “shocked” at her arrest yesterday and will plead innocent. Kurland’s attorney, Lawrence Iason, and Moffett’s lawyer, Kerry Lawrence, also said their clients aren’t guilty.

“Anil Kumar is as shocked as everyone else who knows him to see his name in this complaint,” his lawyer, Charles Clayman, said in a statement. “He emphatically denies these charges.”

According to prosecutors, tips to Rajaratnam came from insiders and others at hedge funds, investor relations firms, and companies including Intel, IBM, McKinsey, and companies whose shares were traded in the alleged scheme.

Bharara said the investigation was continuing.

Rajaratnam and his firm earned from $17 million to $18 million from the fraud, Bharara said. In recent days, he may have been aware he was under investigation, the government said. According to one of two criminal complaints filed yesterday in Manhattan federal court, Rajaratnam told an acquaintance that he believed a former Galleon employee was wearing a “wire.” Rajaratnam bought a plane ticket on Oct. 14 for travel to London yesterday, according to the complaint.

Galleon ‘Highly Liquid’

“Galleon was shocked to learn today that Raj Rajaratnam was arrested this morning at his apartment,” the firm said yesterday in a statement. “We intend to cooperate fully with the relevant authorities. Galleon continues to operate and is highly liquid.”

The SEC yesterday sued Rajaratnam for allegedly engaging in insider trading. Rajaratnam didn’t deserve his reputation for “genius trading strategies” or “astute study of company fundamentals or marketplace trends,” according to the SEC complaint.

“Rajaratnam is not a master of the universe, but rather a master of the Rolodex,” Robert Khuzami, director of enforcement at the SEC, said at the press conference. “He cultivated a network of high-ranking corporate executives and insiders, and then tapped into this ring to obtain confidential details about quarterly earnings and takeover activity.”

559th Richest Person

Rajaratnam, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, was identified this year by Forbes as the 559th richest person in the world, with a net worth of $1.3 billion.

Rajaratnam lives in New York City, as do Chiesi, 43, and Kurland, 60. Goel, 51, lives in Los Altos, California, and appeared in court yesterday in California. A message left for Goel at his home wasn’t returned. Kumar is 51 and lives in Santa Clara, California. Moffat, 53, lives in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

The six defendants are charged with using insider information in two overlapping schemes to trade in shares of companies including Google Inc., Polycom Inc., Hilton Hotels Corp. and Advanced Micro Devices Inc., according to the complaints.

Investigating Since 2007

Prosecutors said they’ve been investigating the case since at least November 2007, when a person they don’t name in the complaint began meeting with agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The person, who the government said has pleaded guilty and is cooperating with authorities, used inside information to trade securities and had tipped Rajaratnam since 2006, prosecutors said.

The person, who had sought a job at Galleon in 2005, helped federal investigators by “making consensual recordings of four telephone conversations” with Rajaratnam, according to court papers.

Authorities said they have other taped conversations of the billionaire as well. On March 7, 2008, the government got court approval to intercept communications on a cell phone he used, according to the complaints. Prosecutors said they’ve also been listening to two of Chiesi’s telephone lines since August 2008.

“There are numerous conversations that are recorded that very clearly depict the fact that this defendant engaged in a veritable smorgasbord of insider trading activities,” Klein said in court. He added that Rajaratnam instructed colleagues to create e-mails designed to hide his source of information and “would make trades intended to mask his illegal activity.”

Leaks From Insiders

Prosecutors say Rajaratnam traded in 2006 and 2007 on leaks from insiders at Polycom, Moody’s Investors Services Inc. and Market Street Partners. A Moody’s analyst offered news about Hilton, and the Market Street Partners source provided tips about Google, prosecutors said. Rajaratnam earned $12.7 million on the leaks and gave a confidential government informant inside information on other companies in return, they said.

Goel, who had been working in the treasury of Intel, passed along news about Clearwire Corp. that he learned from investments made by Intel, and Rajaratnam earned about $579,000 in profits, prosecutors said.

In return, “Rajaratnam placed profitable trades for the benefit of Goel in a personal brokerage account maintained by Goel at Charles Schwab,” Bharara said in a statement.

Secret Tips

In another alleged scheme, Chiesi got secret tips from an unidentified person at Akamai Technologies Inc. and from Moffat, who allegedly passed along information about IBM, Sun Microsystems Inc., and Advanced Micro Devices, according to one of the criminal complaints. Chiesi gave the tips to Kurland and the two traded on the information, according to the government.

These tips generated others, prosecutors said, as Chiesi passed them onto to Rajaratnam, who in turn gave Chiesi inside information about AMD and other companies, according to the government.

The complaint quotes conversations between Chiesi and Rajaratnam, including a July 24, 2008, discussion that they allegedly had after she spoke to the person at Akamai. That day, Akamai stock had closed at $32.18.

“Akamai,” Chiesi told Rajaratnam, according to the complaint. “They’re gonna guide down. I just got a call from my guy.”

After Chiesi said that the company would bring the stock down to $25 a share, Rajaratnam replied that he would be “radio silent” and asked when Akamai would report, according to the complaint.

‘Just Keep Shorting’

“Just keep shorting every day,” Chiesi responded, prosecutors said. “We got a lot of days.”

The complaint also quotes from a conversation on or about August 27, 2008, between Chiesi and a co-conspirator not named as a defendant.

“You just gotta trust me on this,” Chiesi is quoted as saying. “Here’s how scared I am about what I’m gonna tell you on AMD.” Chiesi and the co-conspirator talk a little more, prosecutors said, and Chiesi states, “I swear to you in front of god, you put me in jail if you talk.” Later, the government said, she’s quoted as saying “I’m dead if this leaks. I really am _ and my career is over. I’ll be like Martha f---ing Stewart.”

Kumar gave Rajaratnam tips about a McKinsey’s clients, and Moffat tipped Chiesi about an AMD venture in Abu Dhabi in which IBM participated, the complaints alleged.


Yolande Daeninck, a spokeswoman for McKinsey, said the firm is “distressed” by Kumar’s arrest. Chuck Mulloy, an Intel spokesman, said the company is investigating and has put Goel on leave. Moody’s said in a statement that it’s cooperating with prosecutors. A call to the main number of Market Street Partners, a San Francisco investor relations firm, wasn’t returned. IBM spokesmen Ian Colley and Ed Barbini didn’t respond to messages seeking comment.

The cases are U.S. v. Rajaratnam, 09-02306, and U.S. v. Chiesi, 09-02307, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York (Manhattan).

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