Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Manning Acquitted of Aiding the Enemy

FORT MEADE, Md.—A military judge acquitted Pfc. Bradley Manning of the most serious accusation against him—that he aided U.S. enemies—but found him...

DEA to pay $4.1 million to student forgotten in holding cell for 5 days

Daniel ChongA college student mistakenly left in a Drug Enforcement Administration interrogation room for five days will receive $4.1 million from the...

Scientists grow human tooth using stem cells taken from urine

Scientists in China say they have successfully grown a human tooth using stem cells taken from...

See the Poetic Teaser for the 'Breaking Bad' Finale

Are you excited about the upcoming Breaking Bad finale? The latest teaser won't reveal much about the actual plot of the final episodes, but it will set...

Εκτός καθεστώτος εξυγίανσης η Τρ.Κύπρου

H Κεντρική Τράπεζα ως Aρχή Eξυγίανσης ανακοίνωσε σήμερα επίσημα ότι τo ύψος του κουρέματος στην Tράπεζα Κύπρου θα...

Το μοναδικό ηφαίστειο με πρόσβαση στον κρατήρα του!

perierga.gr - Το μοναδικό ηφαίστειο με πρόσβαση στον κρατήρα του!Σαν μια ανοιχτή πληγή στα βάθη της γης που αιμορραγεί θειικό οξύ και αναδίδει τοξικά αέρια, το Te Puia o Whakaari ή το «δραματικό ηφαίστειο»...

Dozens injured in Swiss train collision

Two commuter trains collided head-on Monday evening in western Switzerland, injuring dozens, officials said...

Stolen Cannes jewels worth close to $136M, official says

The value of jewels stolen from an exhibition in the French resort city of Cannes on Sunday is close to $136 million -- more than twice the amount stated in earlier reports -- the Nice prosecutor's office told CNN Monday...

Explosions rock Florida gas plant

At least seven people were injured by a series of explosions at a gas plant in the US...
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