Sunday, November 1, 2009

Μ. Βρετανία: Τη δημιουργία τριών νέων τραπεζών εξετάζει η κυβέρνηση

Μ. Βρετανία: Τη δημιουργία τριών νέων τραπεζών εξετάζει η κυβέρνηση

Τη δημιουργία τριών νέων τραπεζών έως το 2015 εξετάζει η κυβέρνηση της Μ. Βρετανίας οι οποίες θα προέλθουν από τις Royal Bank of Scotland, Lloyds Banking Group και Northern Rock.

Όπως αναφέρει το Dow Jones Newswires επικαλούμενο δημοσίευμα της Sunday Telegraph, η κυβέρνηση μελετά αυτήν την κίνηση καθώς θέλει να ανακτήσει τα χρήματα που δαπάνησε για τη διάσωση των παραπάνω τραπεζών κατά τη διάρκεια της χρηματοπιστωτικής κρίσης.

Οι νέες τράπεζες θα έχουν ως κύριες δραστηριότητες τις καταθέσεις και τα στεγαστικά δάνεια. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί πως δεν θα επιτρεπεί σε κανέναν ιδιοκτήτη βρετανικής τράπεζας να αναλάβει κάποια από τα νέα ιδρύματα.

Η κυβέρνηση αυτή τη στιγμή κατέχει το 43% της Lloyds is 43%, το 70% της RBS 70% και το 100% της Northern Rock.

Σύμφωνα με δημοσιεύματα αναμένται πουληθούν κάποιες από τις δραστηριότητες των RBS και Lloyds, μεταξύ των οποίων και 300 καταστήματα της πρώτης.

"Λουκέτο" σε εργοστάσιο της Ford

"Λουκέτο" σε εργοστάσιο της Ford

Η αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία Ford θα κλείσει ένα από τα εργοστάσιά της στον Καναδά το τρίτο τρίμηνο του 2011 και θα καταργήσει 1.400 θέσεις εργασίας, ανακοίνωσε το συνδικάτο των Καναδών Εργαζομένων στην Αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία (TCA), αποκαλύπτοντας μία συμφωνία με τον αμερικανικό όμιλο.

Βάσει της συμφωνίας μείωσης του κόστους που συνήφθη ανάμεσα στη Ford και την TCA, το εργοστάσιο του Σεντ Τόμας, νοτιοανατολικά του Οντάριο (ανατολικός Καναδάς), θα κλείσει τις πύλες του το τρίτο τρίμηνο του 2011, ανέφερε σε ένα ανακοινωθέν το ισχυρό συνδικάτο.

Αυτό θα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα την απόλυση περίπου 1.400 εργαζομένων, δήλωσε μία εκπρόσωπος του TCA, η Σάνον Ντιβάιν. Καναδικά ΜΜΕ ανέφεραν από την πλευρά τους ότι ο αριθμός των θέσεων εργασίας που θα καταργηθούν φθάνει τις 1.600.

Οι συνδικαλιστές εξασφάλισαν ωστόσο τη δέσμευση του αμερικανικού ομίλου ότι θα διατηρήσει το 10% της βορειοαμερικανικής παραγωγής του στον Καναδά.

"Κατά τη διάρκεια των διαπραγματεύσεων, η Ford απείλησε να αρχίσει να μεταθέτει τις επενδύσεις της εκτός Καναδά αν δεν καταλήγαμε σε μία συμφωνία", δήλωσε ο Κεν Λιουένζα, πρόεδρος του TCA, συνδικάτου που εκπροσωπεί περίπου 7.000 Καναδούς εργαζομένους της Ford.

Madoff Told SEC Fraud Started as Legitimate Strategy Gone Wrong

Madoff Told SEC Fraud Started as Legitimate Strategy Gone Wrong

Oct. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Bernard L. Madoff said his multi- billion-dollar Ponzi scheme started when a legitimate investment strategy went bad and he tried to cover up, according to an interview with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The “problem occurred when I made commitments for too much money and then I couldn’t put the strategy to work,” Madoff told SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz in a June 17 interview described in a report yesterday. “It was my mistake not to just be out a couple hundred million dollars and get out.”

Kotz’s exhibits, including an account of his interview with Madoff, were posted on the SEC’s Web site. No transcript of the interview was released.

The inspector general’s 457-page report, released Sept. 4, offered an exhaustive look at how the SEC missed chances since 1992 to detect a fraud that burned thousands of investors. Kotz faulted the agency for inadequately pursuing tips, assigning inexperienced staff to conduct reviews and failing to seek trading records that would have revealed the scam.

Madoff, who is serving a 150-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to a fraud that federal investigators said dated to at least the 1980s, funneled funds from new clients to pay returns purportedly generated by a trading strategy known as a split-strike conversion.

‘It Never Happened’

“I had a European bank, I was doing forward conversion, they were doing reverse conversion,” Madoff said without elaborating. He said when the strategy went bad, he thought, “I’ll just generate these trades and then the market will come back and I’ll make it back. And it never happened.”

SEC investigators have said Madoff and employees at his New York-based firm, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, used a variety of ruses, such as creating sham trading records, to avoid detection of the fraud.

Madoff told Kotz that SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro was a “dear friend” and that he knew former chairman Arthur Levitt “very well,” according to the interview exhibit.

Levitt “did not recall having lunch with Mr. Madoff and did not believe he ever met with Mr. Madoff alone,” according to a synopsis of Levitt’s interview with Kotz also released yesterday. Levitt is a director of Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News.

SEC Commissioner Elisse Walter was called a “terrific lady” by Madoff, who said in the interview that he knew her “pretty well.”

‘Professional Sense’

Walter told Kotz in an Aug. 5 interview that she knew Madoff in a “professional sense” and had interacted with him at financial industry conferences. “I would not say that I know him pretty well,” she said.

Kotz, in an e-mailed statement after releasing yesterday’s report, said his nine-month investigation “did not find any corroboration or evidence to support Madoff’s claim of a close relationship with Mary Schapiro,” who took the SEC helm a month after Madoff’s December arrest.

“It is a failure that we continue to regret, and one that has led us to reform in many ways how we regulate markets and protect investors,” Schapiro said in a statement released with Kotz’s September report.

Though the report describes dozens of contacts between Madoff and senior SEC officials, it doesn’t find that managers improperly influenced or interfered with inquiries. Nor did Kotz find that an SEC employee’s romantic relationship with Madoff’s niece had any affect on the agency’s examinations.

Instead, Kotz said the SEC failed to scrutinize Madoff during a 1992 probe of a firm that funneled him money. Years later, employees failed to scrutinize his consistently strong profits, didn’t press harder when they caught him in lies and abruptly ended an examination to focus on mutual-fund abuses.

Madoff said SEC examinations were a “nightmare” and that he was “worried every time,” according to the interview excerpts. “I wish they caught me six years ago, eight years ago.”

The criminal case against Madoff is U.S. v. Madoff, 09-cr- 213, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).


Dollar Rises Most Since April on Reduced Risk Demand Before Fed

Dollar Rises Most Since April on Reduced Risk Demand Before Fed

Oct. 31 (Bloomberg) -- The dollar gained the most against the euro in six months on concern the global recovery may stall as economic stimulus winds down, reducing demand for higher- yielding assets funded by the greenback.

The pound touched the strongest level against the euro this week since September after gains in consumer confidence and mortgage approvals added to signs an economic recovery is taking hold in the U.K. The advance in the dollar before next’s week Federal Reserve announcement pared a fourth consecutive monthly loss, part of the longest losing streak since 2004.

“There’s this increasing recognition that much of the recovery we’ve seen so far was due to the temporary boost from various government programs,” said Michael Hart, a currency strategist at Citigroup Global Markets in London. “The optimism is kind of guarded at this point.”

The dollar advanced 2 percent to $1.4719 per euro yesterday, from $1.5008 on Oct. 23. It was the biggest gain since a 2.3 percent rise in the five days ended April 10. The dollar rallied from a 14-month low of $1.5063 on Oct. 26.

New Zealand’s dollar was the biggest loser against the greenback this week as the Reserve Bank signaled the target rate will stay at a record low of 2.5 percent until the second half of 2010. The kiwi tumbled 4.8 percent to 71.81 U.S. cents, from 75.45 a week earlier, the largest five-day drop since January.

The greenback gained 4.5 percent to 7.815 South African rand and 2.5 percent to 1.7612 Brazilian reais on speculation investors reduced carry trades, in which they sell the currency of a nation with low borrowing costs and buy assets where returns are higher.

Borrowing Costs

The Fed’s target lending rate of zero to 0.25 percent in the U.S. makes the dollar a favored target for investors seeking to fund such trades. The benchmark rates are 7 percent in South Africa, 8.75 percent in Brazil.

The euro decreased 4.2 percent to 132.61 yen, from 138.15, in the biggest drop since May. The dollar fell 2.1 percent to 90.09 yen, from 89.64. It touched a level lower than 90 yesterday for the first time since Oct. 15.

The Bank of Japan decided this week to end purchases of commercial paper and corporate bonds from lenders as scheduled, while extending unlimited collateral-backed lending through March 31. Policy makers kept the benchmark interest rate unchanged at 0.1 percent.

European Central Bank council member Axel Weber said that policy makers may scale back the bank’s “very long-term” loans to banks. The ECB will leave benchmark lending rates at a record low of 1 percent at its meeting on Nov. 5, according to all 34 economists in a Bloomberg survey.

Norwegian Rate

Norway’s central bank lifted its target lending rate by a quarter-percentage point to 1.5 percent this week, becoming the first in Europe to increase borrowing costs this year.

“Central banks are slowly withdrawing emergency stimulus,” Toronto-based strategists Shaun Osborne and Jacqui Douglas at TD Securities Inc. wrote in a research note to clients yesterday. That “perhaps accounts for the modest risk- averse undertone.”

The Dollar Index, which IntercontinentalExchange Inc. uses to track the greenback against the currencies of six major U.S. trading partners, gained 1.2 percent to 76.39. It was the biggest increase since June.

Investors remained skeptical that the Federal Reserve will increase borrowing costs early next year. Fed funds futures indicated a 29 percent chance that the central bank will lift its target lending rate from a range of zero to 0.25 percent at its March meeting, compared with a 41 percent chance last week.

Fed’s Statement

The Fed completed its $300 billion Treasury purchase program, ending the seven-month buying spree that helped stabilize the housing market and capped increases in borrowing costs. It will release its monetary policy statement on Nov. 4.

Sterling rallied 2.8 percent to 89.44 pence per euro as reports showed U.K. mortgage approvals climbed in September to the highest level in 18 months and consumer confidence rose. The pound touched 89.12 on Oct. 29, the strongest level since Sept. 17. Britain’s currency gained 0.9 percent to $1.6452.

The Bank of England will probably decide next week to increase its bond-purchase program as the U.K. lags behind other industrialized countries in shaking off its longest recession on record.

Policy makers may expand the plan to 225 billion pounds ($372 billion) on Nov. 5 after this week reaching the current 175 billion pound limit for buying bonds with newly created money, the median estimate of 48 economists in a Bloomberg News survey showed.

Bank of England

The central bank will leave the benchmark rate at a record low of 0.5 percent, according to all 60 economists in a separate Bloomberg survey.

Employers in the U.S. cut fewer jobs this month than in September while the unemployment rate rose to 9.9 percent in October, according to the median forecast in a survey of economists. The Labor Department’s report is due Nov. 6.

The U.S. currency slid 0.5 percent versus the euro in October in its fourth monthly decline, the longest losing streak since December 2004, as investors piled onto carry trades. The yen weakened 0.4 percent this month versus the dollar. The yen slid 1 percent versus the euro in October.

“Everyone is thinking about the exit strategy,” said Hidetoshi Yanagihara, senior currency trader at Mizuho Corporate Bank in New York. “Once they stop these stimulus measures, we are not going to see excessive money awash in the market. Carry trade may be arrested in the near future.”


RBS May Be Able to Leave U.K. Asset Plan Early, Person Says

RBS May Be Able to Leave U.K. Asset Plan Early, Person Says

Oct. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc may reach an agreement enabling it to exit a U.K. government program that would insure its risky assets earlier than predicted, a person familiar with the situation said.

The bank may no longer have to make an upfront 17.5 billion-pound ($29 billion) outlay to join the government’s Asset Protection Scheme, instead being allowed to pay for participation annually and agreeing to absord a bigger first loss than earlier decided, said the person, who declined to be identified because the talks are continuing. Edinburgh- based Royal Bank will insure as much as 280 billion pounds of risky assets through the program.

RBS, 70 percent of which is owned by the government, is trying to get back on its feet after posting the biggest loss in British corporate history during the credit crunch. The company may be forced by the European Union to sell its insurance unit, 300 branches and some investment-banking assets to win approval for its plans.

“Participation in the APS is necessary in order to provide a stable framework within which a long and uncertain disposal or run-off program can be efficiently managed,” Ian Gordon, an analyst at Exane BNP Paribas in London, wrote in a note to investors yesterday. Gordon has an “underperform” rating on the stock.

A final decision on the terms of the asset-insurance plan hasn’t been reached, the person said, adding that RBS may agree to absorb a higher first loss under the program than the almost 43 billion pounds, including 23 billion pounds of writedowns since the credit crunch, that was originally made part of the deal. Even with the new agreement, the bank will probably take more than a year to exit the plan, the person said.

‘Poor’ Performance

RBS, which had a 20 billion-pound capital injection last year, posted a loss of 24 billion pounds in 2008. Its financial performance will be “poor” for another two years, Chief Executive Officer Stephen Hester said in August.

Hester previously abandoned plans to sell the insurance unit, which includes the Direct Line, Churchill and Green Flag brands, after failing to agree on a price with potential buyers in January.

The Financial Times reported the new terms earlier today. Officials at RBS declined to comment.

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