Tuesday, July 8, 2008

TeliaSonera Starts Selling iPhone 3G In Sweden On July 11

TeliaSonera Starts Selling iPhone 3G In Sweden On July 11

STOCKHOLM -(Dow Jones)- TeliaSonera AB Tuesday said that Apple Inc.’s highly anticipated iPhone 3G will be sold from 00:00:01 AM on Friday July 11 at Telia’s flagship stores in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo as well as on the web via at www.telia.se/iphone.

It said to celebrate the launch, Telia will provide refreshment and entertainment to those waiting for the doors to be opened after midnight.

The company said iPhone 3G combines all the revolutionary features of iPhone with 3G networking that is twice as fast as the first generation iPhone, with built-in GPS for expanded location based mobile services, and iPhone 2.0 software which includes support for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync and runs the hundreds of third party applications already built with the recently released iPhone SDK.

"We know that there is great demand for iPhone 3G in Sweden and Telia’s stores are geared up for our biggest product launch ever. We are excited to offer our customers the opportunity to purchase iPhone 3G on-line and in selected stores at one minute past midnight on the morning of July 11," said Haakan Dahlstroem, Head of Mobility Services Sweden in TeliaSonera AB.

"We are very happy to be part of the global launch of iPhone 3G and we want this to be a special event for our customers."

The company said Apple’s iPhone 3G will be available later in the day at 10:00 AM July 11 in all Telia’s stores across Sweden.

To date, more than 50,000 people have registered their interest in iPhone 3G on telia.se/iphone, it said.

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