Thursday, March 11, 2010

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Increase at Slowest Pace in Four Years

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Increase at Slowest Pace in Four Years

March 11 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. foreclosure filings rose at the slowest pace in four years in February as the government sought to reduce record bank seizures, RealtyTrac Inc. said.

A total of 308,524 properties received a notice of default, auction or seizure last month, or one in 418 households, the Irvine, California-based seller of default data said today in a statement. Filings rose 6 percent from a year earlier, the smallest increase since RealtyTrac began tracking annual changes in January 2006. They declined 2 percent from January.

The Obama administration’s main effort to keep people in their homes resulted in more than 830,000 trial loan modifications for delinquent borrowers through January, according to the Treasury Department. Still, filings were up for the 50th straight month in February on an annual basis and topped 300,000 for the 12th consecutive month, RealtyTrac said.

“This leveling of the foreclosure trend is not necessarily evidence that fewer homeowners are in distress and at risk for foreclosure, but rather that foreclosure prevention programs, legislation and other processing delays are in effect capping monthly foreclosure activity,” RealtyTrac Chief Executive Officer James J. Saccacio said in a statement.

About 116,000 mortgages have been permanently modified under the government’s program, compared with as many as 4 million targeted by December 2012. New data will be released March 15, Meg Reilly, a Treasury spokeswoman, said in an e-mail.

Bank Repossessions

Bank seizures are increasing the number of homes for sale. Lenders took back 78,683 properties last month, up 6 percent from February 2009 and down 15 percent from a peak in December, RealtyTrac said. More than 2 million empty homes were on the market in the fourth quarter, according to the Census Bureau.

“Government programs are helping to keep more supply from coming out,” Brian Bethune, chief financial economist at IHS Global Insight in Lexington, Massachusetts, said in an interview. “We’ve got a disjointed market where most of the housing supply is coming from foreclosures rather than building new homes.”

Bethune predicted a “high” rate of foreclosures for at least the next 12 months. RealtyTrac expects record bank seizures this year, said Rick Sharga, executive vice president for marketing.

Default notices totaled 106,208 in February, down 3 percent from a year earlier and up 3 percent from January, RealtyTrac said. Defaults peaked at more than 142,000 in April.

Scheduled auctions totaled 123,633 last month, up 16 percent from February 2009 and down 1 percent from January. The peak was more than 144,000 in August.

Nevada, California

Nevada had the highest foreclosure rate for the 38th straight month in February, with one in 102 households receiving a filing. Arizona and Florida tied for second at one in 163 households.

California ranked fourth at one in 195 households, followed by Michigan at one in 226. Utah, Idaho, Illinois, Georgia and Maryland rounded out the 10 highest foreclosure rates.

The most filings were in California, with 68,562, down 15 percent from a year earlier. Florida was second with 54,032, up 16 percent, and Michigan was third at 20,028, a 59 percent rise.

Illinois had the fourth-highest total filings with 17,312, Arizona had 16,718 and Texas had 12,638. The six states accounted for 61 percent of the U.S. total, RealtyTrac said.

Georgia, Ohio, Nevada and Maryland rounded out the top 10.

New York Area

Filings rose 14 percent from a year earlier to 3,750 in New Jersey. They climbed 3.3 percent to 2,294 in Connecticut, and dropped 20 percent to 3,237 in New York.

Las Vegas had the highest foreclosure rate for cities with a population of more than 200,000. One in 90 households there got a filing. Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Florida, was second at one in 92.

Six metro areas in California or Arizona had decreases in filings from January, with Phoenix showing the biggest drop at almost 18 percent.

Port St. Lucie, Florida, showed a 66 percent increase, said RealtyTrac, which sells default data collected from more than 2,200 counties representing 90 percent of the U.S. population.


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