Friday, March 14, 2014

Google Smartwatch Specs Leak, Show Hardware Comparable To Galaxy Gear 2

Some new details about Google’s upcoming smartwatch, which is said to be made by occasional Nexus hardware partner LG, have emerged from mobile leaker @evleaks, who has a solid track record when it comes to unreleased devices. 
progressing, @evleaks said that LG was making Google’s device, and that it would debut at the search company’s I/O developers conference this year.

The new specs show a device with a 1.65-inch screen, with a screen resolution of 280 pixels by 280 pixels, which makes for a display density of 240. It also has 512MB of RAM on board, alongside 4GB of storage, which makes it roughly equivalent in many ways to a low-end smartphone. The processor is still a mystery, but based on these stats we can also see that it has a slightly less high-resolution screen that the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2, and the same amount of RAM and internal storage.
Google’s self-branded smartwatch should be arriving soon, given the recent uptick in leaks and a general consensus that we’ll see it this year, so stay tuned to find out what’s up for the tech leader’s take on the emerging wrist-mounted wearable space.


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