Monday, September 16, 2013

Watch Costa Concordia, a 115,000-Ton Cruise Ship Get Righted (Live Streaming)

Reuters Live: Costa Concordia cruise ship salvage operation, Giglio Island, Italy...

Click on Costa Concordia live to view the live streaming video.
A year and a half after the Costa Concordia crashed off the coast of the Isola del Giglio, an island outside of Tuscany, the massive cruise ship is finally being righted in what’s being described as the largest attempt of its kind.
The Costa Concordia crashed January 13, 2012, killing 32 people when it struck a reef that caused a 230-foot slice in the hull. The ship’s captain, Francesco Schettino, is currently on trial for causing the shipwreck, abandoning the vessel during the evacuation, and alleged manslaughter.
A series of pulleys and counterweights remotely controlled by engineers are attempting to raise the Costa Concordia 65 degrees so the ship can be towed off the reef and scrapped. Combined with the pulleys, several stabilizing blocks and 12 retaining turrets are being used to bring the ship upright, with a platform mounted 100 feet beneath the water for the Concordia to rest atop. The entire process is expected to take 10 to 12 hours and cost $800 million.
Reuters has a live stream of the parbuckling operation, although there’s no guarantee of success, as the 115,000-ton cruise ship is the largest vessel to ever undergo the process.


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