Monday, September 16, 2013

Cota by Ossia makes wireless charging as easy as Wi-Fi

Cota by Ossia
Wireless charging is a great idea – but it has yet to realise its potential.
Use a current-gen wireless charging system like Qi, and you'll need to plonk your phone on a charging pad – which needs to be plugged in, rather defeating the purpose of wireless charging...

The dream is for your phone to simply suck power from the aether – and Cota, by new startup Ossia, looks set to make that dream a reality.
The new wireless charging tech was recently demoed at TechCrunch Disrupt by  Ossia CEO Hatem Zeine, who used the Cota system to charge an iPhone from several feet away.


The tech works by sending a magnetic charge over the 2.4GHz spectrum used by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth – a power receiver pings out a beacon signal to the charger, with the charger sending back a power signal to the receiver. A Cota charging station works just like a Wi-Fi hub, and can charge devices through walls and doors – delivering 1W of power (about a third of a USB signal) up to a range of 30ft. It's also as safe as your Wi-Fi hub, Zeine claims in the above demonstration.
Cota's in the "advanced stages of FCC certification," according to Zeine, and Ossia's planning to license Cota tech to manufacturers – although the prototype is a bit bulky, expect to see the tech packed into phones, tablets, cameras and more from 2015.


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