Tuesday, March 4, 2014

This is how cool Apple’s CarPlay is in a parked Ferrari & a Mercedes-Benz (videos)

Mercedes, Ferrari CarPlay Video DemosMercedes-Benz released its own demo video that highlights how Apple’s CarPlay feature works in more detail than Volvo did with its own CarPlay video demo
However, the German car...
maker demoed CarPlay in a parked mode, sort-of defeating the whole purpose of Apple’s iPhone in the car functionality. Similarly, hands-on videos showing CarPlay inside a Ferrari and a Volvo were also recorded with the cars parked.

However, the Mercedes-Benz demo video does a good job revealing how drivers will be able to make calls, send text messages and navigate with a simple combination of buttons and voice, without having to actually touch the display of the console. The video also shows that a physical Lightning connection is required between the iPhone and the car in order for CarPlay to work.
In addition to Mercedes-Benz and Volvo, Ferrari is also one of Apple’s CarPlay launch partners, with Macrumors reporting that Apple’s iOS marketing chief Greg Joswiak has joined Ferrari chairman Luca di Montezemolo at Geneva to introduce CarPlay integration for the Ferrari FF.
Engadget has scored a hands-on video demo with an Apple employee of the CarPlay feature inside the Ferrari FF at the Geneva Auto Show. All videos show a similar experience and performance across cars, as, basically, the same apps and features will be available to the driver no matter who makes the car, and no matter what underlying OS CarPlay is built upon. Furthermore, Engadget has learned that as apps get CarPlay support, they should appear on the car’s console and be available to the driver.
Finally, Jalopnik has a hands-on video for the Volvo CarPlay experience, to further complement the short demo released by the carmaker.
The Mercedes-Benz video, as well as the Ferrari and Volvo CarPlay hands-on videos follow below.


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