Tuesday, October 29, 2013

BlackBerry and Facebook met to discuss potential buyout, reports WSJ

Facebook may be interested in buying BlackBerry. The Wall Street Journal reports that BlackBerry sent representatives out to California for a meeting with unnamed Facebook executives just last week to discuss a potential bid for the struggling phone maker.
 It's not clear how serious Facebook is about acquiring BlackBerry — or if Mark Zuckerberg's company is...
actually contemplating entering a bid to begin with. Zuckerberg has expressed a strong interest in getting Facebook on "as many phones as possible."
 But Facebook (along with HTC) suffered an embarrassing setback earlier this year when the HTC First, a showcase for Facebook's custom Android software, failed to resonate with consumers.
BlackBerry has indicated it hopes to have a sale in place by November, with suitors rumored to include Samsung, Google, and others. Co-founder Mike Lazaridis and even former Apple CEO John Sculley are also said to be considering bids for the troubled company.


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