Thursday, June 12, 2014

Starbucks to Roll Out 100,000 Wireless Smartphone Chargers at 7,500 U.S. Stores

starbucks_wireless_chargingStarbucks, in collaboration with Duracell, has announced that it will begin rolling out more than 100,000 Duracell Powermat wireless smartphone table chargers throughout 7,500 of its stores in the United States over the next three years. 

The announcement comes after the program was initially tested in Starbucks stores across Boston, Massachusetts and San Jose, California...

Notably, while Apple's current iPhone line isn't compatible with wireless charging out of the box, Duracell currently offers an AccessCase accessory for the iPhone 5s, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, and iPhone 4 that is compatible with Duracell's Powermat and Starbucks' wireless table chargers. 

While phone manufacturers like Motorola and LG have added wireless charging capabilities to their phone over the past few years, Apple has yet to add the feature to the iPhone. However, Apple has shown past interest in the technology, with a report in 2011 noting that the company was experimenting with WiTricity wireless charging and another report in 2013 stating that Apple was looking at Qi inductive charging for the iPhone 5s. 

Apple is also said to be including wireless charging functionality in its highly-rumored iWatchsmartwatch, which is expected to launch this October.


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