Saturday, November 16, 2013

On Celebrity Guys and Their Baby Model Girlfriends

As Cher Horowitz would say with an eye-roll, "Older guys like younger women. Film at 11."

Like the transformation of a well-respected chrysalis into a semi-tragic, mid-life-crisis butterfly, Leonardo DiCaprio has slowly becomes a parody of himself. One day he's swimming in St. Barth's...
with two topless women and Jonah Hill (whom he actually"high-fived", because BOOBS). The next day he's wearing this tiny ponytail. It's not good. 

However, Leo's real Achilles heel, as a seasoned Modelizer, are the young things. After failing to convince Cara Delevigne (20) to go home with him at Cannes, the 38-year-old had to "settle" for German model Toni Garrn (21). Titanic this ain't.

He's hardly the only male celebrity who's pushing 40 but still chasing barely-legal arm candy.

Bradley Cooper (38) and shy dental hygienist Abby Fleckman who would be pretty without that rosacea problem English model Suki Waterhouse (21) officially stepped out as a couple this past spring, right on the heels of his breakup with Zoe Saldana (35). He also dated older woman Renee Zellweger (44) in 2011. Please note that when rumors flew that Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence (23) were hooking up after starring in Silver Linings Playbook, he responded by saying "I could be her father!" Not an issue anymore, apparently.

Playboy Derek Jeter (39), who has also been known to play baseball occasionally, may have finally put a ring on it. "It" being 23-year-old Ralph Lauren and Sports Illustrated model Hannah Davis. The two were spotted walking around New York yesterday, and she was sporting a ring the size of... uh, let's just say now there's a good reason we know Pluto's not a planet.
Johnny Depp (50) left Vanessa Paradis (40), his longtime partner and mother of his kids, for 27-year-old Amber Heard. He met the young bisexual actress on the set of The Rum Diary. That would be a 23-year age gap, for anyone who's too lazy to do the math.
While Joaquin Phoenix (39) used to date women his age — like Liv Tyler — a source has confirmed that he is dating DJ Allie Teilz(20).

So to all of the men above and any I've forgotten, just remember: Having a weird Sex Daughter doesn't mean you'll live forever. It mostly means that you'll be the J. Howard Marshall to her Anna Nicole. And eventually, you're just gonna want to be with a lady who's your equal. 


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