Leonardo DiCaprio’s latest role in Wolf Of Wall Street may be the smoldering actor’s best performance yet, and Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor is opening up about what it was like portraying the infamous Jordan Belfort in the film that captures “the height of debauchery.”
DiCaprio teamed up with Martin Scorsese for the film about Wall Street’s biggest crook based on the book of the same title. “The book personified America’s addiction to obtaining wealth at all costs, and that hasn’t changed,” DiCaprio told New York Magazine. In order to prepare for the gritty part, the actor spent time with the real-life character before shooting scenes...

Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin ScorseseLeonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese collaborated for 'Wolf of Wall Street' and delivered an alarmingly realistic portrayal of Jordan Belfort's lavish lifestyle.
“I wanted a close relationship with [Belfort] so that I could weave intimate details into the movie,” DiCaprio explained. “[Scorsese’s] approach was essentially to put everything onscreen and see what we responded to. It was old-school, really independent filmmaking on a larger scale,” the actor added. In scenes from the film, DiCaprio is seen seducing young women and indulging in excess. He doubts the movie will disappoint.
“I can safely say this is the craziest performance I’ll ever give as far as what the character gets involved with,” DiCaprio revealed. “[Belfort] was a small fish in a gigantic pond, and he’d motivate his guys by telling them they were heroes for taking on the big houses. Unregulated Wall Street was like the Wild West,” the 38-year-old explained. DiCaprio was intent on delivering an accurate portrayal of the era and wasn’t afraid to recreate even the most disturbing details.
“There was nothing Jordan wouldn’t divulge, no matter how intimate or embarrassing,” DiCaprio said. “Things like this insane orgy on a 747 going to Vegas, chimpanzees in diapers that would skate through Stratton offices, very intimate stuff about his relationships with women.” DiCaprio touched upon the irony of working on the Wall Street script before the real-world events unfolded in 2008, and said it was another reason he was drawn to the project.
“If you’re putting a world on film, and you’re going to stay true to that world, as opposed to show it from a distance, you’re going to make it attractive and entertaining,” the Wolf of Wall Street star said. “And, by the way, the people are entertaining, and they had a great time until they got caught.”