Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Facebook is testing an official way to sell goods in Groups

Screen Shot 2014 12 17 at 9.50.25 pm Facebook is testing an official way to sell goods in GroupsA new feature that’s appeared for some Facebook users allows them to sell goods using a new “Sell Something” option when posting to a group.
The new selling option...
appears alongside the normal “Write Post” button on some Facebook groups and asks the user to share what’s for sale, the price, a description of the item, pictures and pick up/delivery options.
Screen Shot 2014 12 17 at 9.35.32 pm Facebook is testing an official way to sell goods in Groups
Once you share the post, it formats the details nicely and others can comment with offers or discussion like a normal post would allow. The new feature appears to be an attempt to bring order to groups made with the purpose of buying and selling goods on the social network.
Screen Shot 2014 12 17 at 9 44 27 pm Facebook is testing an official way to sell goods in Groups
Once posted, Facebook doesn’t do anything further to attempt to facilitate the deal, but formats the post nicely with clear prices, delivery options and description.
The feature appears to be in testing right now, with a linked help page (which doesn’t work for everyone) explaining that Facebook is not responsible for purchases or sales made on the site but a second link to give feedback about the new feature that is broken at time of writing.
Screen Shot 2014 12 17 at 10.14.06 pm Facebook is testing an official way to sell goods in Groups


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