Monday, November 4, 2013

Apple Preparing Bug Fix Updates to Mail, iBooks, Safari and Remote Desktop

SafariibookmailApple is preparing updates to the Mavericks versions of iBooks, Safari, and Remote Desktop, in addition to a fix for Gmail users that was revealed last week, according to 9to5Mac...

The site does not reveal any of the changes that are coming, but says they have Apple's standard "improvements to performance and stability" patch notes.

For iBooks, Apple says that the new version (1.0.1) “includes bug fixes and improvements to performance and stability.” iBooks is a new application in Mavericks that allows the reading and downloading of iBooks and iBooks Textbooks.

Apple is yet to specify to employees what the new Safari version entails, but is labeled as version 7.0.1. The slight version number increase indicates that this is a bug-fix and performance-focused release, not a new version with several new features.
9to5Mac notes that the update will come separate from a larger OS X 10.9.1 update and could go live as soon as a few days from now.


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