Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Spoiler Shield Lets You Block Spoilers from Your Social Media Feeds

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If you happen to have friends who can be big blabbermouths, then you need Spoiler Shield. It’s a social media browser app that also functions as a shield of sorts...

The app works easily with Facebook and Twitter. In order to start using it, you’ll have to log in and allow access to both social media accounts. Once you’re connected, you can then choose from a list of sports teams or TV programs, and the app will automatically look for relevant keywords and filter out any potential spoiler posts from your feed.
Nothing will be spoiled for you the next time someone posts a status update about your favorite TV show or NFL or MLB team. Spoiler Shield will block that status and keep you ignorant about whatever has happened until you get a chance to see it for yourself.
Spoiler Shield is available for free on the iOS. An Android app is currently in the works.


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