Monday, September 30, 2013

Apple bumps Coca-Cola to become world's top brand

Interbrand said the value of Apple's brand soared over Coca-Cola to become No. 1 in its annual ranking. Google secured the No. 2 spot and is rising fast.The iPhone maker becomes the first company to push Coca-Cola aside in Interbrand's study of the value of corporate brands. Google claims second place, but IBM and Intel each slip a notch...

For the first time in its 13-year history, Interbrand has a new leader of its annual study of the most valuable brand names: Apple.

The iPhone maker bumped Coca-Cola, which had led the study since it began in 2000, with a brand value Interbrand rated as being worth $98.3 billion. And reflecting the rising importance of technology in global business and consumer consciousness, Google came in at second place with a brand value of $93.3 billion, well ahead of the soft drink maker's $79.2 billion value.
Not everyone fared as well in the tech world. As Samsung rose from ninth to eight place with a 20 percent brand value in increase, it traded positions with Intel, which dropped 5 percent.

Interbrand bases its assessment on a combination of the company's financial performance, its role influencing consumer choices, and how well the brand lets a company charge premium prices and deliver profits.
"Every so often, a company changes our lives -- not just with its products, but with its ethos. This is why...Apple now ranks No. 1," said Jez Frampton, Interbrand's global chief executive officer in a statement Monday.
Apple had been No. 2 in the 2012 study of brand value, and Google was No. 4. IBM, previously No. 3, slipped to fourth place, and Microsoft stayed level at fifth place.
Interbrand also calls out the companies whose brand value is rising fastest. There, Facebook came out on top, with a 43 percent increase in brand value over the last year. It ranks 52 on the overall 2013 list, up from 69th place in 2012.


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