Thursday, July 4, 2013

Cat Cafe or Cat Klatch spreading to London now

The first cat cafe is scheduled to open in the West!
If you’re among the nation’s more than 36 million feline-owning households, a “cat cafe” may be just the thing you need!.  Asia has a number of these cafes where customers can...
sip tea and coffee while hanging out with the cats!
Entrepreneur Lauren Pears plans to open Lady Dinah’s Cat Emporium in London by late Spring, early Summer, once she raises the money and works out the logistics of housing animals in an eatery.  To date, Lauren has raised over $150,000 through project web site Indiegogo.
Cats are “cute, fluffy and personable,” Pears says and therefore great teatime companions for Brits, with their penchant for “warm pubs, cozy sofas, roaring fires.”

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