Thursday, September 24, 2009

Russia may sell partial stake in Rosneft -papers

Russia may sell partial stake in Rosneft -papers

MOSCOW, Sept 23 (Reuters) - The Russian government may sell part of its 75 percent stake in state-controlled Rosneft (ROSN.MM) at some point in the future, newspapers quoted First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov as saying on Wednesday.

But the privatisation of Rosneft, Russia's largest oil producer, is not under consideration at the moment, an official at Shuvalov's secretariat told Kommersant business daily.

Russia could sell up to 25 percent of Rosneft without any serious consequences, as it would still retain a controlling stake, Andrei Sharonov, a former deputy economy minister, told Vedomosti business daily.

Shares in Rosneft gained 1.43 percent on Tuesday trading, bringing the company's market capitalisation to $77.7 billion.

Russia intends launching a new privatisation programme as it moves out of its worst economic crisis since the mid-1990s, Shuvalov said last week [ID:nLG21592]

The government expects to earn 7 billion roubles ($230.5 million) from its privatisation programme in 2010, according to budget projections for next year.

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