Thursday, January 3, 2008


ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ 2 14,900

ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ 1 13,500

ΣΤΗΡΙΞΗ 1 12,900

ΣΤΗΡΙΞΗ 2 12,500




1629.17 ( -2.59%)

4751.01 ( -2.66%)

Όγκος: € 4,220,610


FTSE 100 INDEX 6,479.40 62.70 0.98%
CAC 40 INDEX 5,546.08 -4.28 -0.08%
DAX INDEX 7,908.41 -40.70 -0.51%



DOW JONES INDUS. AVG 13,056.72 12.76 0.10%
S&P 500 INDEX 1,447.16 0.00 0.00%
NASDAQ COMPOSITE INDEX 2,602.68 -6.95 -0.27%


8:30 AM
Employment Situation
Dept of Labor

10:00 AM
ISM Services


Orders to U.S. factories rose 1.5 percent in November, the most in four months, according to the Commerce Department. Economists predicted a gain of 0.5 percent.


ADP Employer Services Says U.S. Gained 40,000 Jobs

ADP Employer Services Says U.S. Gained 40,000 Jobs

Jan. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Companies in the U.S. added 40,000 jobs in December, a quarter of the previous month's gain, a private report based on payroll data showed.

The increase was more than forecast and followed a revised 173,000 rise for the prior month that was less than previously estimated, ADP Employer Services said today.

Hiring will soften as the prolonged housing slump and stricter borrowing rules hurt growth and erode confidence, economists said. The report may cause some economists to lower payroll forecasts before tomorrow's employment report.

``There's concern on the part of business leaders that the economy is at risk of a recession and they're preparing for that,'' Sal Guatieri, a senior economist at BMO Capital Markets in Toronto, said before the report.

The ADP figures come ahead of a report tomorrow from the Labor Department that may show payrolls rose by 70,000 last month, less than in November, and the unemployment rate increased to 4.8 percent, according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey.

The ADP report was forecast to show an increase of 33,000, according to the median estimate of 16 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. Estimates ranged from a drop of 50,000 to a gain of 90,000.

ADP includes only private employment and does not take into account hiring by government agencies. Macroeconomic Advisers LLC in St. Louis produces the report jointly with ADP.

Construction Losses

Today's report showed a decrease of 31,000 jobs in goods- producing industries including manufacturers and construction companies. Service providers added 71,000 workers. Construction employment dropped by 17,000.

Companies employing more than 499 workers reduced their workforce by 35,000 jobs. Medium-sized businesses, with 50 to 499 employees, added 9,000 jobs and small companies increased payrolls by 66,000.

The ADP report is based on data from 392,000 businesses with about 24 million workers on payrolls.

ADP began keeping records in January 2001 and started publishing its numbers in 2006. The company says there is a 90 percent correlation between its revised data and the government's monthly private jobs figures.

The ADP survey overestimated the number of private jobs created in November. Businesses hired 64,000 workers that month, according to the Labor Department's first estimate, compared with the 189,000 increase initially projected by ADP.


Housing and mortgage-related companies are trimming staff. Seattle-based Washington Mutual Inc., the largest U.S. savings and loan company, said in December it plans to eliminate 3,150 jobs. National City Corp., Ohio's largest bank, yesterday announced 900 more job cuts, raising its total to 3,400 positions reduced in the past year.

The housing market ``requires aggressive steps to overcome the near-term challenges,'' National City's Chief Executive Peter Raskind said in a statement.

Job creation has helped prevent a collapse in consumer spending, one reason why the U.S. has been able to avoid a recession so far. That resilience in employment may not last, some economists said.

The economy probably grew at a 1 percent pace in the fourth quarter after expanding at a 4.9 percent rate the previous three months that was the strongest since 2003, according to the median estimate of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News in December.


Μarfin: Μπαράζ εξελίξεων με εξαγορά , ΟΤΕ , ίδιες μετοχές και Dubai

Μarfin: Μπαράζ εξελίξεων με εξαγορά , ΟΤΕ , ίδιες μετοχές και Dubai

Σε περίοδο σημαντικότατων εξελίξεων εισέρχεται ο όμιλος Marfin και αφορούν θέματα στρατηγικής όπως στον ΟΤΕ όπου στην τακτική ΓΣ θα κριθούν οι θέσεις στο ΔΣ για την MIG , το Dubai θα αυξήσει την συμμετοχή του , η MIG θα ακυρώσει το πακέτο ιδίων μετοχών που κατέχει ενώ η Marfin Popular Bank σχεδιάζει να προχωρήσει στην έκδοση ομολογιακών δανείων ή υβριδικών τίτλων με στόχο να χρηματοδοτήσει μια σχεδιαζόμενη εξαγορά.
Το προσεχές διάστημα λοιπόν αναμένονται σημαντικότατες κινήσεις στον όμιλο Marfin.

Στον όμιλο της MIG οι εξελίξεις θα είναι πολυποίκιλες.

Πρωτίστως αποφασίσθηκε το 9,3% των ιδίων μετοχών που κατέχει η MIG και το απέκτησε καταβάλλοντας συνολικά 500 εκατ ευρώ θα το διαγράψει.

Κατά βάση το μέσο κόστος κτήσης διαμορφώνεται στα6,5 με 6,7 ευρώ ανά μετοχή.

Η διοίκηση της MIG θα προτείνει στην γενική συνέλευση την διαγραφή των μετοχών.

Προκρίθηκε η λύση αυτή καθώς έχει αλλάξει το καθεστώς που διέπει τις αγορές ιδίων μετοχών.

Έως πρόσφατα μια εταιρία που αποκτούσε ίδιες μετοχές είχε την δυνατότητα να τις πωλήσει υπό την μορφή placement.

Όμως ο νέος κανονισμός της Επιτροπής Κεφαλαιαγοράς προσδιορίζει νέους τρόπους χρήσης των ιδίων μετοχών. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό ή μπορεί να ακυρωθούν οι ίδιες μετοχές καθεστώς που ίσχυε , να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την μείωση χρεώνή να προσφερθούν ως stock option.

Στην περίπτωση της MIG έχει ανακύψει ένα νομικόκαι αμφιλεγόμενο θέμα.

Η MIG αγόραζε ίδιες μετοχές με το προηγούμενο καθεστώς δηλαδή με την προοπτική ότι θα πωλούσε τις ίδιες μετοχές.

Το καθεστώς μεταβλήθηκε και πλέον εγείρεται θέμα για το ποιο νομικό καθεστώς πρέπει να ισχύσει στην περίπτωση της MIG.

Εφόσον διαγράψει τις ίδιες μετοχές αυτομάτως μειώνεται ο αριθμός των κυκλοφορουσών μετοχώνενώ θα μειωθούν αναλογικά και τα κεφάλαια κατά 500 εκατ ευρώ.

Με την διαγραφή η οποία δεν αποτελεί πάντοτε και την καλύτερη επιλογή , αλλά πλέον λόγω της νέας νομοθεσίας μονόδρομο , θα βελτιωθούν βασικοί χρηματοοικονομικοί δείκτες όπως το p/bv.

Τα σενάρια περί ακύρωσης για να μην εγγράψει υποαξίες είναι εκτός πραγματικότητας γιατί 1) έχει μεγάλα περιθώρια χρόνου για να λάβει αποφάσεις για τις ίδιες μετοχές και 2) οι τωρινές υποαξίες είναι χαμηλότερες από την συνολική ακύρωσηούτως ή άλλως.

H MIG παραμένει στο προσκήνιο συν τοις άλλοις και λόγω του γεγονότος ότι μάλλον στις 31 Ιανουαρίου η Dubai Invesment Group θα αποκτήσει το 6,45% , ποσοστό που κατέχει η Marfin popular Bank στηνMIG στην τιμή των 7 ευρώ.

Παράλληλα η MIG συνεχίζει να αυξήσει το ποσοστό της στην Marfin Popular Bank και ελέγχει πλέον πάνω από το 6%.

Θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί ότι το Dubai θα αυξήσει την συμμετοχή της και στην Marfin popular από το 19,9% στο 30%.

Θα υποβάλλει αίτημα στις αρμόδιες αρχές της Κύπρου προσεχώς ώστε μέσα σε 3- 4 μήνες να έχει αποκτήσει το 30% μέσω της αγοράς.

Νέες εξελίξεις στον ΟΤΕ

Στην τακτική γενική συνέλευση του ΟΤΕ που θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο β΄ τρίμηνο του 2008 πιθανότατα Μάιο ή Ιούνιο θα εγκριθεί το αίτημα της MIG να αποκτήσει2 ή 3 θέσεις στο ΔΣ του ΟΤΕ.

Στο μεσοδιάστημα η 3μελής επιτροπή θα ξεκινήσει το έργο της για την αξιολόγηση του δανεισμού του ΟΤΕ.

Εφόσον δεν υπάρξει κάποια επιτάχυνση είναι πολύ πιθανό η MIG να αρχίζει να ενοποιεί κατά αναλογία την συμμετοχή της στον ΟΤΕ από το 9μηνο του 2008.

Πάντως δεν μπορεί να αποκλεισθεί το ενδεχόμενο να υπάρξουν εξελίξεις και νωρίτερα.

Σχεδιάζει εξαγορά η Marfin Popular

Εξαγορά τράπεζας στην Κεντρική Ευρώπη σχεδιάζει η Marfin popular.

Έχει στοχοποιηθεί τράπεζα που εμφανίζει κεφαλαιοποίηση 2 με 3 δις ευρώ.

Αν οι διαπραγματεύσεις τελεσφορήσουν η Marfin θα προχωρήσει στην έκδοση ομολογιακού δανείου μειωμένης εξασφάλισης ή υβριδικού τίτλουμε στόχο να χρηματοδοτήσει την επένδυση.

Συνολικά η τράπεζα μπορεί να εκδώσει έως και 1,6 δις ευρώ ομολογιακά και 1 δις ευρώ υβριδικά. Η Marfin – Egnatia ολοκλήρωσε ομολογιακό μειωμένης εξασφάλισης 200 εκατ ευρώ με επιτόκιο 0,95% πάνω από το euribor.

Αύξηση κεφαλαίου 1 με 1,5 δις ευρώ δεν εξετάζεται πριν από τα τέλη του 2008.


Νέα "ένεση" 200 δισ. ευρώ από ΕΚΤ

Νέα "ένεση" 200 δισ. ευρώ από ΕΚΤ

Παρέμβαση αυτή την ώρα απίο την Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα, ύψους 200 δισεκαττομυρίων ευρώ. Στόχος είναι η εξομάλυνση των επιτοκίων στην διατραπεζική αγορά.



Με ρυθμούς ταχύτερους από αρκετά μεγάλα χρηματιστήρια έτρεξαν οι αποδόσεις στο κυπριακό χρηματιστήριο το 2007. Αν και το ΧΑΚ είναι νάνος σε σχέση με τα μεγαθήρια του εξωτερικού, δεν έχει τίποτα να ζηλέψει από πλευράς αποδόσεων. Αντίθετα, η ετήσια του απόδοση ξεπέρασε κατά πολύ αυτή των πολλών μεγάλων και γνωστών χρηματιστηρίων.

Ο Γενικός Δείκτης ΧΑΚ κατέγραψε κέρδη 23,6% το 2007, πετυχαίνοντας την τέταρτη μεγαλύτερη απόδοση ανάμεσα σε άλλα μεγάλα χρηματιστήρια.

Στις τρεις πρώτες θέσεις με τις μεγαλύτερες αποδόσεις του 2007 βρίσκονται οι δείκτες Shanghai Se Composite Ix της Κίνας (+96,7%), Bse Sensex 30 της Ινδίας (+47,1%) και Hang Seng του Χονγκ – Κονγκ (+39,3%).

Από τα δυτικά χρηματιστήρια ξεχώρισε το γερμανικό, με το δείκτη DAX να καταγράφει σημαντική ετήσια αύξηση 22,3%. Ο δείκτης FTSE/ASE 20 της Ελλάδας έκλεισε το έτος με απόδοση 15,8%.

Μικρότερες αποδόσεις σημείωσαν οι αμερικανικοί δείκτες, με τα μεγαλύτερα κέρδη να απορροφά ο Nasdaq (+9,8%). O Dow Jones έκλεισε το έτος με κέρδη 6,4% και ο S&P 500 με 3,5%.

Αποδόσεις της τάξης του 7,3%, 3,8% και 1,3% αντίστοιχα σημείωσαν οι δείκτες Ibex 35 της Ισπανίας, FTSE 100 του Λονδίνου και CAC 40 της Γαλλίας.



The remarks suggest the Fed has more incentive to continue reducing interest rates after cutting the benchmark rate by 1 percentage point. Reports since the committee met showed manufacturing shrank last month and new-home sales in November were the worst in 12 years. Until now, the Fed's strategy was aimed at preventing the credit squeeze from hurting the broader economy.



Σύμφωνα με τα πρακτικά της συνεδρίασης της 11 Δεκεμβρίου, δεν καταγράφηκε καμία αντίθεση στην πρόταση για μείωση του επιτοκίου δανεισμού του δολαρίου κατά 25 ποσοστιαίες μονάδες ανάμεσα στα 17 μέλη της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας, με εξαίρεση τον πρόεδρο του υποκαταστήματος της Βοστώνης, Eric Rosengren, ο οποίος πρότεινε μεγαλύτερη μείωση του επιτοκίου.


German Unemployment Probably Fell to 15-Year Low in December

German Unemployment Probably Fell to 15-Year Low in December

Jan. 3 (Bloomberg) -- German unemployment probably fell to the lowest in almost 15 years in December as companies hired workers to process export-led orders, shrugging off signs that economic growth is slowing, a survey of economists showed.

The number of people out of work fell by 35,000, when adjusted for seasonal swings, according to the median of 27 forecasts in a Bloomberg News survey. The decline would take the jobless rate to 8.5 percent, the lowest since April 1993. The Federal Labor Agency will publish the figures at 9:55 a.m. in Nuremberg today.

``Companies have no real inclination to stop hiring although job creation has already peaked,'' said Lothar Hessler, an economist at HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG in Dusseldorf. ``Order books are still pretty full, which is good news for jobseekers.''

Nineteen of 29 German companies that participated in a Bloomberg News survey last month said they planned to hire staff this year even as their spending power is eroded by rising energy and raw-material costs. Lufthansa AG said Jan. 1 it plans to take on 4,300 employees in Germany, and Audi AG, Volkswagen AG's luxury brand, said yesterday it will hire 800 academics.

Factory orders rose more than expected in October, led by a surge in foreign sales of goods such as factory machinery. Germany topped the U.S. and the European Union on competitiveness, German newspaper Handelsblatt said yesterday, citing a survey by Droege & Comp. institute.

These factors helped the number of workers liable to pay social security premiums rise by 649,000 last year to about 39.7 million, the highest level since reunification in 1990, the Federal Statistics Office said yesterday.

Mixed Signals

Declining unemployment in Germany underlines the mixed signals coming from Europe's biggest economy as it copes with the euro's appreciation against the U.S. dollar, a 62 percent increase in the price of oil in the past year and slowing global growth.

Chancellor Angela Merkel said in her New Year's address Dec. 31 that the economy faces ``big'' global risks after two years of expanding growth.

German business confidence fell to the lowest in almost two years in December and investors were the most pessimistic since January 1993. Retail sales fell for a third straight month, the Bloomberg retail purchasing managers index showed last week.

Accelerating inflation has also swollen labor union wage demands and may restrict room for the European Central Bank to help the economy by cutting the benchmark interest rate from a six-year high of 4 percent. President Jean-Claude Trichet said Dec. 19 the 15-nation euro economy faces a ``more protracted'' period of elevated inflation than previously expected.


U.S. Factory Orders Probably Rose in November on Oil Products

U.S. Factory Orders Probably Rose in November on Oil Products

Jan. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Orders to U.S. factories probably rose in November, propelled by gains at petroleum refiners as prices jumped, economists said ahead of a report today.

The projected 0.5 percent increase, the median estimate of 60 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News, would match October's rise.

A price-induced increase in the value of bookings for non- durable goods, such as oil, offset a decline in demand for machinery that points to a slowdown in investment, economists said. Other reports today may show employment is also cooling as businesses become concerned the economic expansion will stall.

``The increased uncertainty of recent months is weighing on CEO confidence and causing them to behave with a little more risk aversion,'' said Richard DeKaser, chief economist at National City Corp. in Cleveland.

The Commerce Department is scheduled to issue the report on orders at 10 a.m. in Washington. Estimates ranged from a drop of 0.5 percent to a gain of 2 percent.

At 8:15 a.m. New York time, a report from ADP Employer Services is forecast to show companies added 33,000 workers to their payrolls in December, down from 189,000 a month earlier, according to the Bloomberg survey. The figures will help economists finalize projections for the government's job report due tomorrow.

In a separate report today, the Labor Department figures may show initial jobless claims last week fell to 345,000 from 349,000 the prior week, according to the survey median. The total number of Americans receiving jobless benefits swelled to a two-year high in the middle of December.

Investing Less

Companies may be reining in investments as banks make borrowing more difficult and consumer spending cools as the housing slump deepens, economists said. The Commerce Department said last week that orders of durable goods, those meant to last several years, rose a less-than-forecast 0.1 percent in November.

Durables make up just over half of the factory orders report. Excluding demand for transportation equipment, orders fell 0.7 percent, led by a drop in demand for machinery and military equipment.

The outlook for December bookings is even worse. Manufacturing shrank the most last month in almost five years, according to a report yesterday by the Institute for Supply Management. The Tempe, Arizona-based purchasers' orders index dropped to the lowest level since October 2001.

Fewer Shipments

FedEx Corp., the second-largest U.S. package-delivery company, said Dec. 20 that second-quarter profit fell as a slowing economy cut demand for freight shipments and fuel costs rose. The company lowered its capital spending forecast for the full year by 11 percent and said additional reductions were ``possible.''

``We see challenging near-term economic trends,'' Chief Executive Officer Fred Smith said in a statement.

Orders for non-durable goods may have risen in November because higher commodity prices increased the value of goods sold, economists said. Crude oil on the New York Mercantile Exchange averaged $94.63 a barrel in November, compared with $85.66 in October.

Steel and wheat prices have also increased.

``We are expecting a pretty decent increase in non-durable orders but part of that is a nominal effect because of energy and commodity prices,'' said Julia Coronado, a senior economist at Barclays Capital Inc. in New York. Adjusted for prices, ``we do expect orders to be quite subdued.''

Another challenge companies may face is trying to work off inventories built up over the last couple of quarters, economists said.

An increase in stockpiles added 0.89 percentage point to growth from July through September, helping propel the pace of expansion to the fastest in four years.

Economists surveyed by Bloomberg News last month project growth in the last three months of 2007 slowed to a 1 percent pace, one-fifth the third quarter's rate.



8:30 AM
Jobless Claims
Dept of Labor

10:00 AM
Factory Orders
Dept of Commerce

10:30 AM
EIA Petroleum Status Report
Dept of Energy

Freddie Mac Debt Rises Most in More Than Three Years

Freddie Mac Debt Rises Most in More Than Three Years

Jan. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Freddie Mac, the second-largest provider of money for U.S. home loans, increased its debt last month by the most in three-and-a-half years.

Debt outstanding rose $30 billion in December, or 4 percent, to $774.5 billion, according to data posted today on the McLean, Virginia-based company's Web site. Short-term borrowing drove the increase, climbing $34.8 billion to $199.4 billion.

The jump, the biggest since the peak of a record U.S. mortgage refinancing boom in August 2003, followed a shrinking of Freddie Mac's mortgage portfolio. Those assets shrank by $30.9 billion in the three months ended Nov. 30 to $701.4 billion as the government-chartered company sold record amounts of assets in September and October to remain in compliance with capital requirements.

The sharp increase in Freddie Mac's debt in December may reflect ``heavy'' buying for the portfolio, perhaps partly meant to meet annual regulatory goals tied to the amount of low-income housing that the company finances, Jim Vogel, head of agency debt research at FTN Financial in Memphis, Tennessee, wrote in a note to clients today.

A record $2.02 billion net loss for the third quarter reduced Freddie Mac's capital to about $600 million above a regulator- mandated minimum, prompting it to sell $6 billion in preferred stock in November and slice its dividend in half.

``Prior to that we had capital constraints that would hinder some of our normal business activity,'' John Radwanski, the company's vice president of debt funding, said in a telephone interview today. ``The capital infusion at the end of November freed up Freddie Mac from those restraints.''

Commercial Paper

Congress created Freddie Mac and Washington-based Fannie Mae to lower home financing costs and to provide mortgage market stability. The companies own or guarantee about 40 percent of the $11.5 trillion U.S. residential mortgage market.

The increase in Freddie Mac's debt came as investors continued to avoid types of other short-term borrowing amid concerns about the fallout from rising home-loan delinquencies.

The U.S. asset-backed commercial paper market shrank for the fifth month in December, to the lowest since July 2005. Debt maturing in 270 days or less and backed by mortgages, bank debt and other holdings declined $15.9 billion, or 2.1 percent, to a seasonally adjusted $747.6 billion for the week ended Dec. 26, the Federal Reserve in Washington said Dec. 27.

Freddie Mac ended up with such a sharp increase in short-term debt partly because it retired longer-term callable debt as interest rates fell, Radwanski said. ``Callable debt comes off the books a lot faster than it comes on the books,'' he said.

Investors also were demanding less of a premium over benchmarks on Freddie Mac's short-term debt than on its long-term debt, he said. ``From an economic standpoint, it also made a lot of sense for us to take advantage of that.''

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