Thursday, July 25, 2013

Android 4.3 release date: when will you get it?

Android 4.3 release date: when will you get it?Google has unveiled its latest version of Android, an iterative update to Jelly Bean known as Android 4.3...

Full Moon 'disturbs a good night's sleep'

Researchers found evidence of a "lunar influence" in a study of 33 volunteers sleeping in tightly controlled...

Άρχισε η προπώληση «ενσήμων υγείας»

Λευκωσία: Από τα κρατικά νοσηλευτήρια και συγκεκριμένα από τα σημεία εγγραφής ασθενών μπορούν οι πολίτες να αγοράζουν τα «ένσημα υγείας» τα οποία θα αποτελούν και την απόδειξη για την καταβολή του τέλους...

Apple invention uses location, usage patterns to save iPhone battery life

Power ManagementThe U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Thursday published an Apple patent application for an intuitive mobile device control system that automatically powers down certain components depending on a user's location and habits, thus...

Spain Train Crash: CCTV Footage (video)

This is the horrifying moment a Spanish passenger...

«Ψαλίδι» ΕΕ στις προμήθειες των πιστωτικών καρτών

Φθηνότερη θα γίνει η χρήση του «πλαστικού χρήματος» στις χώρες της Ε.Ε. μόλις τεθεί σε ισχύ το σχέδιο κανονισμού που πρότεινε την Τετάρτη η Κομισιόν και που προβλέπει σημαντικές μειώσεις στις προμήθειες για πληρωμές με χρεωστικές και πιστωτικές κάρτες. Σύμφωνα με τις πρώτες εκτιμήσεις, το όφελος για τους Ευρωπαίους καταναλωτές και λιανοπωλητές θα μπορούσε να ανέλθει έως και...

Why Tim Cook described Apple's iOS in the Car strategy as 'very important'

iOS in the CarIn the very last minute of its earnings call question and answer session with analysts, Apple's chief executive Tim Cook addressed "iOS in the Car," the company's strategy for automotive, calling it "very, very important" and...

Spain Train Crash: Dozens Killed And Injured

Rescue workers pull victims from a train crash near Santiago de Compostela.The number of people dead after a train derailed in one of Spain's worst rail disasters has reportedly risen as high as 77.
Many more are said to be critically injured and Spanish media reported emergency...

Hungarian Grand Prix: The ultimate race weekend guide

Venue: Hungaroring, Budapest
Length: 4.381km
Laps: 70
Lap record: 1m 16.207s – Michael Schumacher, Ferrari (2002)

Bundesliga - Guardiola has 'no reason to complain' after outclassing Barca

Pep Guardiola Bayern Munich v BarcelonaBayern Munich coach Pep Guardiola spoke of a "very special game" after seeing his side outplay and...

Android 4.3 Jelly Bean available for Nexus devices now

CoverGoogle has made official the next version of its tablet and smartphone OS, Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. The release confirms rumours that Android 5.0 has been put on...

World's biggest gambling nations

Mention gambling and glitzy images of Las Vegas come to mind. But you'll be surprised to know Americans are not the world's biggest gamblers. In fact, the world's biggest gambling nations...
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