Monday, May 14, 2012

Best Buy founder and chairman to step down

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Best Buy Co. said Monday that founder Richard Schulze will resign as chairman, after its investigation of former chief Brian Dunn found that Schulze acted “inappropriately” in failing to bring the allegations of Dunn’s personal misconduct to the board. The electronics retailer also said Dunn, who resigned last month, did not misuse company resources.

Dunn didn't misuse funds: Best BuyBest Buy's investigation found that ex-CEO Brian Dunn violated company policy by engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a female employee, but found no misuse of company resources. Karen Talley has details. (Photo: Reuters) Schulze, who has a 20% stake in the Richfield, Minn.-based company, will resign as chairman of the board after Best Buy’s /quotes/zigman/219712/quotes/nls/bby BBY +1.48% annual meeting on June 21. He’ll be succeeded by Hatim Tyabji, currently chairman of the audit committee and a Best Buy director since 1998. “This is a big deal,” said Janney Capital Markets analyst David Strasser. “This makes the decision about who the new CEO is even more critical to the company. Now there’ll be no ‘old-school’ decision makers in charge. The new CEO will come in with complete control over the company.” Incoming Chairman Tyabji has more than 40 years of experience in various tech-industry segments, Best Buy said. He’s been chairman and chief executive of Bytemobile, a provider of traffic management and video optimization for mobile-network operators. His background “makes him well suited for the role and for understanding the degree of change that’s necessary,” commented Credit Suisse analyst Gary Balter. “The board will now have more autonomy when charting the company’s trajectory.”

Dunn was with Best Buy for 28 years; in April director Mike Mikan was named interim chief executive. Richard Schulze The former chief executive violated company policy by engaging in an “extremely close personal relationship with a female employee that negatively impacted the work environment,” the company said. See related story on Dunn’s resignation. “[Dunn’s] relationship with the female employee demonstrated extremely poor judgment and a lack of professionalism, but the inquiry revealed no misuse of company resources,” the board said in a statement, adding that the inquiry also revealed no misuse of corporate aircraft. Shares of Best Buy rose 1.5% to $19.57 on Monday, when the broader markets declined. Analysts have said that the company’s investigation into Dunn’s conduct was a distraction at a time when it’s trying to fend off competition from Inc. /quotes/zigman/63011/quotes/nls/amzn AMZN -1.57% to Wal-Mart Stores Inc. /quotes/zigman/245476/quotes/nls/wmt WMT -0.24%.

The company has announced plans to lower costs and cut the overall square footage of its stores, increasingly viewed as product showrooms. Best Buy is remodeling locations with a test format focusing on mobile, video and broadband connections, its Geek Squad tech-support service and as a place to pick up purchases made on its website. See related story on Best Buy’s move meets with investor skepticism. In March, Best Buy reported a fourth-quarter loss, hurt by lower sales of traditional electronics including notebook computers and televisions, product lines that are its bread and butter. The conclusion of the Dunn probe also gave investors some relief as it didn’t involve any other senior management as had been feared, according to Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. analyst Colin McGranahan. “Schulze has been actively involved in developing the company’s strategy,” he said. “The combined departures of the chairman and CEO suggest the potential for a cleaner break with history and more strategic flexibility going forward. We continue to believe that the outlook for Best Buy remains challenging.”

Schulze failed to raise the matter to the audit committee of the board when the allegations were first raised with him in December, according to the company. “In December, when the conduct of our then-CEO was brought to my attention, I confronted him with the allegations (which he denied), told him his conduct was totally unacceptable and contrary to Best Buy’s policies and everything I, and the company, stand for,” Schulze said. “I understand and accept the findings of the audit committee.” Best Buy also said Dunn’s total severance package will be $6.64 million. That includes a severance payment of $2.85 million, a previously earned bonus of $1.14 million and previously awarded and reported restricted stock grants valued at $2.54 million based on the company’s closing price on Friday.

Details of friendship The company said its findings came from 45 interviews of 34 current or former employees; searches of emails and other documents on the computers of Dunn and the female employee; and an analysis of expense reports and records detailing Dunn’s corporate use of aircraft, as well as records of his corporate credit card over a three-year period. Best Buy said both parties have said their relationship was a close friendship and nothing romantic or otherwise improper. “Even accepting those statements as true, the relationship nevertheless reflected extremely poor judgment by the CEO,” Best Buy said, adding that Dunn’s perceived favoritism also undermined her supervisor’s ability to manage her. The board’s audit committee found that the inappropriate relationship between Dunn, 51, and the 29-year-old employee in question disrupted the work environment and created friction. She spoke “openly and frequently” about her friendship with him and the favors he provided to her. They both admitted social meetings outside the office, including lunches and drinks both during the week and on the weekend. Dunn also gave her tickets to at least seven concerts and sporting events, and violated company policy by soliciting from a vendor a complimentary ticket for the employee.

 It also said they “engaged in a significant amount of communication” with no identifiable business purpose. For instance, during one four-day and one five-day trip abroad last year, Dunn, who is married, contacted her by mobile phone at least 224 times, including 33 phone calls and 149 text messages.


Ισπανία: Νέο ρεκόρ για το δανεισμό των ισπανικών τραπεζών από την ΕΚΤ

Ισπανία: Νέο ρεκόρ για το δανεισμό των ισπανικών τραπεζών από την ΕΚΤ

ΜΑΔΡΙΤΗ (Dow Jones) – Αύξηση σε νέο υψηλό σημείωσε τον Απρίλιο ο καθαρός δανεισμός των ισπανικών τραπεζών από την ΕΚΤ. Σύμφωνα με στοιχεία που δημοσιοποιήθηκαν σήμερα από την κεντρική τράπεζα της χώρας, ο καθαρός δανεισμός αυξήθηκε στα 263,54 δισ. ευρώ από 227,6 δισ. ευρώ το Μάρτιο και 42,23 δισ. ευρώ τον Απρίλιο του 2011. Η μηνιαία αύξηση ήταν κυρίως αποτέλεσμα της χρήσης από τις τράπεζες των χρημάτων που είχαν καταθέσει στο μηχανισμό αποδοχής καταθέσεων το Μάρτιο μετά το δεύτερο γύρο τριετών δανείων της ΕΚΤ. Οι καταθέσεις σε αυτό το μηχανισμό υποχώρησαν στα 53,4 δισ. ευρώ από 88,74 δισ. ευρώ το Μάρτιο. Ο ακαθάριστος δανεισμός – από τον οποίο αφαιρούνται οι παραπάνω καταθέσεις – σημείωσε άνοδο στα 316,93 δισ. ευρώ από 316,34 δισ. ευρώ.

Το μέγεθος αντιστοιχεί σε ποσοστό λίγο κάτω από 28% του ακαθάριστου δανεισμού όλων των τραπεζών της Ευρωζώνης ο οποίος ανήλθε στα 1,146 τρισ. ευρώ. Οι ισπανικές τράπεζες τους τελευταίους μήνες βασίζονται περισσότερο στην ΕΚΤ καθώς οι επενδυτές στον ιδιωτικό τομέα παραμένουν επιφυλακτικοί απέναντι στις τράπεζες των νότιων ευρωπαϊκών οικονομιών.


Λαϊκή: Μιλάμε για κρατική στήριξη

Λαϊκή: Μιλάμε για κρατική στήριξη

Η Λαϊκή Τράπεζα (Cyprus Popular Bank Public Co Ltd), κατόπιν υπόδειξης της Επιτροπής Κεφαλαιαγοράς Κύπρου, ανακοινώνει ότι βρίσκεται σε διαβουλεύσεις με το Υπουργείο Οικονομικών και την Κεντρική Τράπεζα Κύπρου, στην βάση της σχετικής νομοθεσίας περί στήριξης του χρηματοπιστωτικού συστήματος, αναφορικά με το σχέδιο κεφαλαιακής ενίσχυσης της Τράπεζας.

Συγκεκριμένα, συζητείται η πιθανότητα αναδοχής της έκδοσης κεφαλαίου από το την Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία με την παροχή κινήτρων συμμετοχής στους υφιστάμενους μετόχους και νέους επενδυτές ώστε να επιτευχθεί η μέγιστη δυνατή συμμετοχή ιδιωτών και η μικρότερη δυνατή ενδεχόμενη χρήση κρατικών κεφαλαίων. Η Τράπεζα θα προβεί σε περαιτέρω ενημέρωση αφού οριστικοποιηθούν οι διαβουλεύσεις και εγκριθούν οι όροι της έκδοσης από τις αρμόδιες αρχές.


Yahoo: Παραιτήθηκε ο CEO της Scott Thompson

Yahoo: Παραιτήθηκε ο CEO της Scott Thompson

Την παραίτησή του από την Yahoo δημοσιοποίησε την Κυριακή, 13 Μαΐου ο Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Scott Thompson, σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα του msnbc. Η παραίτησή του επήλθε μετά από εμπλοκή του σε σκάνδαλο που αφορούσε παρουσίαση ψευδών στοιχείων στο βιογραφικό του σημείωμα. Συγκεκριμένα, ο Thompson παρουσιαζόταν ως κάτοχος διπλώματος της Επιστήμης των Υπολογιστών, ενώ σύμφωνα με τις κατηγορίες ενός από τους μετόχους της Yahoo, Daniel Loeb, κάτι τέτοιο δεν ισχύει.

Σύμφωνα με το Δελτίο Τύπου της Yahoo, την θέση του Thomson μέχρι τον διορισμό νέου CEO θα αναλάβει προσωρινά ο επικεφαλής των σχέσεων της εταιρείας με τα διεθνή Μέσα Ross Levinsohn. Πάντως, στο Δελτίο Τύπου της εταιρείας δεν γνωστοποιείται η αιτία παραίτησης του πρώην Διευθύνοντος Συμβούλου της Εταιρείας Σύμφωνα με το msnbc, ο Thomson υπήρξε ο τρίτος Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Yahoo τα τελευταία τρία χρόνια.

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