Monday, November 25, 2013

Apple Posts Black Friday 2013 'One-Day Shopping Event' Teaser

Apple has posted a teaser page on its Australian online Apple Store for a "one-day Apple shopping event" on Friday, November 29th...

NUS makes delicious discovery with virtual taste simulator (video)

In today's 'science comes up with really funny things' news of the day, a team from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has created a prototype interface that lets you taste virtual food.
Dubbed the 'Digital Taste Interface', it has so far managed to replicate four tastes: salty, sweet, sour and bitter...

Tests show iPhone 5s A7 chip is dual-core, still beats quad-core Android competitors (data)

iPhone 5SWhen Apple announced the iPhone 5s last week, it made a lot of noise about the 64-bit architecture of the phone’s new A7 chip
But other than that it remained pretty tight-lipped, which is how Apple tends to handle the specific details of individual components. But we have a better...

Philadelphia becomes the first US city to ban 3D-printed guns

After the release of two 3D-printable firearms was met by warnings from lawmakers, Philadelphia has become the first US city to ban 3D-printed guns. 
The Philadelphia city council voted unanimously to pass a bill banning the practice on Thursday, reports Philly Magazine
The bill is presumably a response to the birth of weapons like the Lulz...
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