Wednesday, January 8, 2014

KA: Πωλούν χρονοθυρίδα στο αεροδρόμιο Heathrow του Λονδίνου

imageΣε νέα πώληση στοιχείων ενεργητικού προχωρεί ο κρατικός αερομεταφορέας, που ευελπιστεί να καταστεί κερδοφόρος το 2014 υπό την απειλή οριστικού λουκέτου από την κομισιόν. 

Μετά τα αεροπλάνα, τη θυγατρική Zenon και τα ακίνητα, σειρά πήρε ο...

PlayStation Now hands-on: you'll never think of gaming the same way again (Game streaming on Sony gadgets including tvs)

Img_6006-590Sony has finally spilled the details on its Gaikai-powered streaming service PlayStation Now, and we wasted no time in giving it a try. 
PlayStation Now lets owners of Sony hardware (including PS4, PS3, Vita, and Bravia TVs)...

CES 2014: 3D Systems Releases iSense 3D Scanner iPad Accessory (video)

iSense 3D ScannerAt CES today, 3D Systems introduced an iPad-version of its popular Sense 3D scanner called the iSense. The device clips to the iPad and allows users to scan an object in three-dimensions in real-time, without needing to put the object inside a special scanning box...

Ad leak suggests T-Mobile will pay for customers to switch to its service

The brief appearance of a T-Mobile banner discovered by Droid Life appears to confirm that T-Mobile will cover an entire family's Early Termination Fee (ETF) if they switch to its network. It's long been rumored that T-Mobile's eccentric CEO John Legere would use his company's CES press conference to announce a...

Alibaba division bans bitcoin after China crackdown as IPO looms

A worker walks past a logo of Alibaba Group at its headquarters on the outskirts of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, August 24, 2013. REUTERS/China DailyChina's biggest online marketplace, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's Taobao, will ban the sale of bitcoins on the heels of a government crackdown against the virtual currency to plug a potential gap in its tight controls on capital flows...

Forget sexting! Now your boyfriend can use his smartphone to control your underwear and turn you on

Couples in long-distance relationships might already use their phones to send raunchy photo messages to one another but now smartphones can be used to keep the passion alive in a new way.

Underwear featuring a wearable massager that can be controlled by a partner using an app, has been unveiled at the 2014... Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

The blueMotion vibrator was created to bring couples closer using smartphones, who might otherwise ignore each other and pay more attention to emails and text messages.

  • The massager can be fitted inside underwear and can be controlled remotely using an Android or iOS app
  • blueMotion vibrator aims to bring couples closer using smartphones
  • Device will go on sale in the U.S. in March 2014 and will retail for $129
  • It is not clear whether the device will be rolled out in other countries

  • The smart underwear features a Bluetooth enabled massager that can vibrate in unlimited patterns and promises to be 'completely discrete'.
    ‘For some couples, the explosion of the digital age has resulted in a shift in intimacy, as many pay more attention to devices than their partners,’ said Suki Dunham founder of OhMiBod.
    The smart underwear features a Bluetooth enabled massager that can vibrate in unlimited patterns and promises to be 'completely discrete' A stock image is pictured
    The smart underwear features a Bluetooth enabled massager that can vibrate in unlimited patterns and promises to be 'completely discrete' A stock image is pictured

    ‘blueMotion breaks down those virtual barriers by encouraging couples to interact both physically and emotionally using technology. 

    'They can experience the thrill of unlimited vibration patterns and total discretion whenever the mood arises.’

    The lightweight blueMotion device, which can be fitted inside underwear, has a motor that is controlled by an app for Android and iOS smartphones in numerous ways.

    It connects to a smartphone via the 'remote' app to make use of phone features including the accelerometer, touch screen, and volume controls to operate the massager.
    Sound clips can be recorded using the app, which generates vibrations though the device based on a partner’s voice or a favourite song.

    The company says that the number of vibration patterns that can be created is limitless.
    The massager will go on sale in March 2014 and retail for $129. 


    • More than 50 per cent of American women have used a vibrator, making them nearly as ubiquitous as a coffee maker.
    • The vibrator was the fifth domestic appliance to be electrified, following the sewing machine, fan, kettle, and toaster - and it beat both the vacuum cleaner and the iron to market.
    • The sizable market has estimated sales at $1.3billion a year.
    • A 2009 study from Indiana University found that 53 per cent of women in the U.S. - and nearly half of all men - have used vibrators, making them twice as common among adults as condoms are.


    Ξεκινά η Primetel με το τρίτο δίκτυο κινητής τηλεφωνίας

    Τα βρήκαν Υπουργείο Συγκοινωνιών και Primetel για τους όρους της τρίτης άδειας κινητής τηλεφωνίας και πριν το τέλος του τρέχοντος μηνός αναμένεται η υπογραφή και η αδειοδότηση του νέου δικτύου.

    Η τελική συμφωνία στις διαπραγματεύσεις μεταξύ Primetel και Τμήματος Ηλεκτρονικών Επικοινωνιών του Υπουργείου Συγκοινωνιών επιτεύχθηκε λίγο πριν τις τελευταίες ώρες του 2013 και ουσιαστικά το Υπουργείο έκανε αποδεκτή τη θέση της Primetel να πληρώνει το τέλος της άδειας σε ισόποσες...

    Strong demand for Ireland’s post bailout bond issue

    Irish 10-year government bond yields fell sharply on Tuesday as a bond sale via syndication drew strong demand, traders said. Indications of interest for Ireland's new 10-year bond - its first sale since it exited its EU/IMF bailout - exceeded 9 billion euros...

    Αποζημιώσεις $1,7 δισ. για την υπόθεση Μάντοφ θα καταβάλει η JP Morgan

    Να καταβάλει αποζημιώσεις συνολικού ύψους 1,7 δισ. δολ. (1,25 δισ. ευρώ) στα θύματα του Μπερνάρντ Μάντοφ καλείται η JP Morgan στο πλαίσιο διακανονισμού με τις αμερικανικές αρχές. 

    Η τράπεζα κατηγορήθηκε ότι δεν παρείχε επαρκείς...

    Νέο «καμπανάκι» για το Bitcoin

    Μετά τις κεντρικές τράπεζες της Κίνας και της Γαλλίας και η γερμανική Bundesbank προειδοποίησε για τους κινδύνους του Bitcoin, καθώς αυξάνονται οι ανησυχίες των ρυθμιστικών αρχών ανά τον πλανήτη για την...

    Eating delicious 3D candy printed by a ChefJet (pics)

    It tasted almost exactly like the marshmallows in a box of Lucky Charms, but it looked like a hollowed-out skeleton cube. Or an octagon. Or any shape I could think of, really. And I could print another one whenever I wanted to...

    Journey to the Center of the Earth / Down to the Earth's Core - Documentary (video)

    This is an amazing journey to the center of the Earth which is called ''Down to the Earth's Core'' documentary...

    Νέα εποχή για πληρωμές σε Ευρώ

    Την 1η Φεβρουαρίου γίνεται πραγματικότητα ο Ενιαίος Χώρος Πληρωμών σε Ευρώ - SEPA. 

    Η δημιουργία του Ενιαίου Χώρου Πληρωμών σε Ευρώ (Single Euro Payments Area – SEPA) αποτελεί την πλέον φιλόδοξη πρωτοβουλία στην ιστορία της ενοποίησης της ευρωπαϊκής αγοράς πληρωμών, μετά την εισαγωγή του Ευρώ.

    Με την υλοποίηση του SEPA, πολίτες, επιχειρήσεις και άλλοι οικονομικοί παράγοντες, θα μπορούν να...
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