Saturday, October 19, 2013

Purported leaked packaging for the Nexus 5 reveals a white variant

Can’t get enough of the Nexus 5 leaks? Well, good news, for we have one more for you. The latest one shows what is supposedly the packaging for the phone. The very Nokia-esque blue box has the image of the phone on the front and the back next to the Google logos, with the LG logos placed on the side...

Non-Stop (video trailer)

An air marshall must spring into action aboard an international flight.


Hell Freezes Over: Google to Sell Facebook Ads

Google and Facebook announced a detente of sorts on Friday in which Google will sell Facebook ad inventory.
The ads will be sold via Google's DoubleClick Bid Manager, its real-time bidding system. In a few months, marketers will be able to buy ads for Facebook's Ad Exchange on the platform...
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