Thursday, September 11, 2014

Apple Watch Will Use Skin Contact for Apple Pay Security

applewatchpayWhen Apple announced that the Apple Watch would be able to use Apple Pay, the company's new mobile payment initiative, many wondered how secure the payments would be if the device lacked the security of Touch ID, which is used in the iPhone 6's implementation. Now, several members of the press have confirmed how the system works. 

Both Rene Ritchie of iMore and Cult of Mac report that when a user...


Facebook wants people to feed its insatiable data machine with likes and updates. But one of the problems the social network is currently wrestling with is that Snapchat-using young people don't like leaving digital trails, and they don't really like Facebook.
So, how do you get people to post more?
One possible answer: You make it easy for Facebook posts to disappear. As first spotted by The Next Web, Facebook changed one of its help pages to note that people in "some areas" are able...
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