Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Instagram invades the Web with embeds for photos and videos

Instagram is bringing its photos and videos to the rest of the Web with a new embed feature for grabbing the hit app's content and sharing it on your own sites.
Wednesday, the Facebook-owned application, which has more than 130 million active users, updated with Web embeds for its photos and videos. The new feature is...
accessible from photo or video pages on the Web. Now, there's a share button that you can click to copy embed code that you can paste on a Web site or blog.
Instagram Web embeds allow people, for the first time, to experience filtered moments, wholly in tact with attribution, outside of the service, which means members may benefit from a boost of additional exposure and Instagram could attract even more users to its service.

The release closely follows the launch of Instagram video, a feature for sharing 15-second mini movies that can be enhanced with filters. A company spokesperson said the ability to embed videos has been the service's most requested feature since launch. The embed option puts the app's video offering on par with Twitter's Vine in the sharing department. Vine already allows people to embed its looping 6-second clips around the Web.Embeds also mean that Instagram still captures and video footage can be used to supplement news coverage, making the service an even greater rival to Twitter in the real-time sourcing business.
In the video embedded here, Instagram Communications Manager Tyson Wheatley captures a group of baby foxes residing and playing on Facebook's Menlo Park campus.


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