Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Twitter adds photo support for direct messages, gesture-based UI in app update

TwitterUbiquitous microblogging platform Twitter on Tuesday released a new version of its mobile app, bringing support for photos in direct messages, a revamped user interface and enhanced notifications.

Twitter for iOS reached...

version 6.0 with the latest update and brings substantial changes to how users will interact with the app. 

The most prominent tweak is Twitter's new swipeable interface, which is somewhat reminiscent of Tapbots' Tweetbot client. Swiping left or right takes users to the app's three main pages: Timeline, Notifications and Messages. Users can also swipe between timelines if they have more than one aggregated in-app.

With the introduction of photos in direct messages, Twitter opted to switch out the Discover view, which is now integrated into the main timeline along with Activity. 

As for Notifications, users can now tweak settings to limit the display of replies, retweets and favorites to followers.

Finally, search is enhanced with a more intuitive system that shows tweets from people users follow as well as followers and nearby users. Safari Reading List support rounds out the new feature list. 


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