Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Apple Reportedly Seeding iOS 7.0.3 Internally Ahead of Potential Launch Next Week

Apple has reportedly begun seeding iOS 7.0.3 to some of its own employees and carrier partners, with a potential launch coming as soon as next week, according toBGR.

The claimed build number appears to be somewhat at odds with Apple's usual numbering patterns over the past several years, which should see all iOS 7.0.x releases carrying 11Axxx build numbers before moving on to 11Bxxx builds for iOS 7.1.x. The company did, however, vary from this pattern in earlier iOS versions, incrementing the letter designation even for x.x.1 releases at times... 

MacRumors has indeed been seeing visits from devices on Apple's networks running iOS 7.0.3, with the first visits coming on Friday, September 20 and increasing significantly last week. 

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