Saturday, August 31, 2013

Obama seeks Syria strike with Congress' approval

Facing resistance at home and abroad about the prospect of a U.S. attack on Syria, President Obama said Saturday that he has decided the U.S. should take military action against the Syrian regime in retaliation for its use of chemical weapons...

78 χιλ. άνεργοι τον Ιούλιο

Σε νέο ιστορικό ρεκόρ αναρριχήθηκε τoν Ιούλιο, η ανεργία στην Κύπρο σύμφωνα με στοιχεία που δημοσίευσε η Eurostat αποτυπώνοντας τη συνεχή επιδείνωση στην αγορά εργασίας. Ο αριθμός των ανέργων έφθασε τις 78 χιλ. από 77 χιλ. τον Ιούνιο και μόλις 54 χιλ. τον περσινό Ιούλιο...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Scientists Discover a Mega-Canyon Beneath the Melting Ice Sheets of Greenland

bamber1HRAs its name suggests, the Grand Canyon is pretty grand, running nearly 300 miles long, with a width that ranges from 4 to 18 miles and a depth of over a mile. Theodore Roosevelt, who declared the Grand Canyon a national monument in 1908, said the great gorge was a “natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world.”
True enough. But the Grand Canyon may have some new company...

After racy VMA performance with Miley, Robin Thicke can't keep his hands to himself

Robin ThickeROBIN Thicke didn't get heat from his wife after his racy VMA routine with Miley Cyrus - but he could be in trouble for not keeping his hands to himself while partying with an attractive blonde just hours later.

A picture making the rounds on Twitter shows Thicke at a VMA after party in New York with his arm around an unidentified blonde. Unfortunately for him, the photo was taken in front of a mirror, and the reflection clearly shows he has his hand up the back of the blonde's very short skirt.
The cheeky shot was posted on Twitter on August 26, the morning after the VMAs when Cyrus caused a storm by twerking on Thicke in a nude PVC bikini.
@JenLeadley tweeted the revealing picture of Thicke to his wife Paula Patton on August 13 with the message, "Look at the reflection girl."

Sony quietly reveals an awesome new PlayStation 4 feature

PlayStation 4 Smartphone IntegrationSony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One are easily two of the most highly anticipated launches of the year. Details continue to trickle out ahead of their launches in November, and we most recently got a look at the full lists of PS4 and Xbox One launch titles

Now, Sony’s President of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida has quietly revealed a very cool PlayStation 4 feature that Sony hadn’t previously...

Μιχάλης Ασλάνης: Το 1.000.000 ευρώ που χρωστούσε

Μέρα με τη μέρα, όλο και περισσότερες αποκαλύψεις βλέπουν το φως της δημοσιότητας σχετικά με τους λόγους που έκαναν τον Μιχάλη Ασλάνη να βάλει τέρμα στη ζωή του, όπως τουλάχιστον δείχνουν τα μέχρι στιγμής στοιχεία.
O πρώην δικηγόρος και στενός του φίλος, Ανδρέας Γαβαλάς, επιβεβαίωσε όσα είχε πει ο σχεδιαστής για τις δυο γυναίκες που τον κατέστρεψαν:

«Ό,τι έχει πει ο Μιχάλης, είναι απόλυτα ειλικρινές. Δυστυχώς. Ο Μιχάλης με το ψέμα και την αναλήθεια είχε ένα απίστευτο διαζύγιο. Όταν μιλούσε, το έκανε πάντα μέσα από την καρδιά του. Είχε μια πάρα πολύ μεγάλη πικρία. Δεν τον ενδιέφερε τόσο το τι ζημιά οικονομική είχε πάθει, αλλά το πόσο είχε εξαπατηθεί και πόσο είχε προδοθεί η εμπιστοσύνη που είχε δείξει»...

Mercedes Stop-and-Go Autopilot Heralds Hands-Free Push

Bumper-to-bumper traffic slowed to a crawl, finding a space in a crowded garage, or squeezing into a tight parking spot are no fun for any driver. To ease such tedious aspects of driving, companies from Mercedes-Benz to Continental AG (CON) are rolling out systems that take over the wheel.
Daimler AG (DAI)’s Mercedes is leading the way with an add-on called “Stop&Go Pilot” available in its top-of-the-line S-Class sedan. Backed by an...

H κλήρωση των ομίλων του Europa League

Πραγματοποιήθηκε το μεσημέρι στο Μονακό η κλήρωση των ομίλων του Europa League.

AΠΟΕΛ: Με Άϊντραχτ, Μπορντό και Μακάμπι

Ο ΑΠΟΕΛ κληρώθηκε στον  6ο όμιλο μαζί...

Νέοι, ηπιότεροι όροι από Ρωσία για το δάνειο

Η κυβέρνηση της Ρωσίας κατέληξε μετά από πολύμηνες διαβουλεύσεις και συνεννοήσεις στους νέους όρους για την αναδιάρθρωση του δανείου των 2,5 δισ. ευρώ, που έχει παραχωρηθεί στην Κύπρο από το Δεκέμβριο του 2011.

Σύμφωνα με τις ανακοινώσεις του αναπληρωτή υπουργού Οικονομικών της Ρωσίας Σεργκέι Στορτσάκ, «στην τελευταία συνεδρίαση της κυβέρνησης ελήφθη θετική απόφαση και το δάνειο αρχίζει τη νέα ζωή του», κατά την οποία η αποπληρωμή του θα γίνει σε οκτώ ισόποσες δόσεις ανά εξάμηνο. Η αποπληρωμή των δόσεων θα ξεκινήσει από το 2016 και όχι από εφέτος και δεν θα γίνει πλέον με μία άπαξ δόση, όπως είχε αρχικώς συμφωνηθεί.

«Θα παραταθεί έως τότε η προνομιακή περίοδος, κατά την οποία θα καταβάλλεται το επίσης προνομιακό επιτόκιο, που έχει ήδη μειωθεί στο 2,5% από 4,5%» διευκρίνισε ο κ. Στορτσάκ...

Ζημιές €46 εκ. για Ελληνική

Ζημιές €46,1 εκ. σημείωσε το εξάμηνο του 2013 η Ελληνική Τράπεζα έναντι κερδών €14,9 εκ., διατηρώντας ωστόσο ισχυρή ρευστότητα και κεφάλαια, παρά την ραγδαία επιδείνωση της ποιότητας του ενεργητικού της. 

Οι προβλέψεις αυξήθηκαν κατά 121% και τα μη...

Clint Eastwood, wife Dina Eastwood split after 17 years of marriage

Exported.; Clint Eastwood reportedly split with his wife Dina more than a year ago.

    Clint Eastwood may soon be handing out a fistful of dollars in his divorce settlement. 
    Dina Eastwood (nee Ruiz), confirmed to Us Weekly that she and the "Dirty Harry" actor, 83, have separated after 17 years.
    The former TV news reporter said that she and her husband remain close but have been living apart for a...

    Απίστευτη τύχη - Στους ομίλους και ο ΑΠΟΕΛ!

    Απίστευτη τύχη - Στους ομίλους και ο ΑΠΟΕΛ!      Απίστευτη εξέλιξη για την ομάδα της Λευκωσίας που ψες γνώρισε οδυνηρή εντός έδρας ήττα αποκλεισμό από τη Ζούλτε Βάρεγκεμ, αλλά τελικά θα παίξει στους ομίλους του Γιουρόπα Λιγκ.   

    Η ΟΥΕΦΑ διενέργησε σήμερα το πρωί κλήρωση ανάμεσα στις ομάδες που αποκλείστηκαν στη φάση των πλέι οφ της διοργάνωσης για να βγει η ομάδα που θα αντικαταστήσει την Φενερμπαχτσέ που αποβλήθηκε...

    British MPs reject military intervention in Syria

    UK government motion on Syria intervention has been rejected by a 285 to 272 margin after British lawmakers rejected an opposition Labour amendment calling for more information about the deployment of chemical weapons in Syria.

    The Labour amendment was defeated...

    Snowden reveals US intelligence’s black budget: $52.6 billion on secret programs

    The headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski)Former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden has leaked a new top-secret document that for the first time ever publically discloses how the United States spends tens of billions of dollars annually...

    Thursday, August 29, 2013

    Champions League draw 2013

    Arsenal, who qualified after completing a comprehensive play-off win over Fenerbahce this week, were placed in the tough-looking Group F at Uefa's draw in Monaco.
    Celtic, who famously beat Barcelona last season, will face the Catalan giants again along with two other former winners in Group H in AC Milan and Ajax....

    Eto'o and Mourinho reunited as Chelsea confirm signing of striker on free transfer

    Parading: Eto'o has signed for ChelseaChelsea have confirmed the signing of Samuel Eto'o on a free transfer.
    The 32-year-old Cameroon forward is understood to have signed a stunning £7million one-year deal, although he had to take a huge pay cut from the £17m a year which made him the world's best paid footballer at Anzhi Makhachkala.

    Eto'o is apparently 'plan b' after Manchester United rejected two Chelsea bids for Wayne Rooney, with Mourinho opting against lodging a third, having said he had back-up...

    Apple working on iPhone video feature that automatically switches cameras during a FaceTime calls

    Video Select

    A newly published patent application from Apple outlines teleconferencing and video capture technology that would process video from an iPhone's front and rear cameras simultaneously, and automatically determine which feed to stream based on voice or visual cues...

    Facebook spam estimated to be a $200 million industry

    The people on Facebook who tell you how their friend made $85,000 a year working from home are doing quite well for themselves. The Guardian reports that a team of researchers in Italy estimated that Facebook spam generates around $202 million a year in annual revenue and that spammers get paid...

    Mercedes Benz presents car-to-x communication to detect hazardous situations

    Mercedes Benz is presenting car-to-x communication, a sophisticated technology that establishes networked links among vehicles in order to detect hazardous situations early on...

    Earth Life Likely Came from Mars, Study Suggests

    Mars Hubble PhotoWe may all be Martians.
    Evidence is building that Earth life originated on Mars and was brought to this planet aboard a meteorite, said biochemist Steven Benner of The Westheimer Institute for Science and Technology in Florida.

    An oxidized form of the element molybdenum, which may have been crucial to the origin of life, was likely available on the Red Planet's surface long ago, but unavailable on Earth, said Benner, who presented his findings today (Aug. 28; Aug. 29 local time) at the...

    Ηπιότερη η μείωση καταθέσεων Ιουλίου

    Ηπιότερη σε σχέση με τους προηγούμενους μήνες ήταν η εκροή καταθέσεων τον Ιούλιο του 2013, όπως διαφαίνεται από νέα στοιχεία που ανακοίνωσε η Κεντρική Τράπεζα. 

    Σύμφωνα με τα νέα στοιχεία της ΚT, τον Ιούλιο του 2013 οι καταθέσεις στο εγχώριο σύστημα μειώθηκαν κατά €956,2 εκ. στα €49,7 δισ. από €50,7 δισ. τον Ιούνιο του 2013 και €70,6 δισ. τον Ιούλιο του 2012. 

    Οι καταθέσεις μειώθηκαν κατά 24,2% σε ετήσια βάση έναντι μείωσης 23% τον Ιούνιο του 2013 και μείωσης 1,9% τον Ιούλιο του 2012...

    Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    NATO vows to 'answer' alleged Syria attack

    NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said that a variety of sources pointed to President Bashar al-Assad's forces being responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Syria.

    Speaking after a meeting of NATO ambassadors in Brussels, Rasmussen said any use of such weapons was "unacceptable and cannot go unanswered", although he did not suggest any response...

    Curiosity Rover Now Driving Itself On Mars

    Curiosity Rover Now Driving Itself On MarsNASA yesterday switched its Mars rover Curiosity to its autonomous navigation system. For over a year now the agency’s engineers have been driving the rover on Mars, now the rover is capable of driving itself. Switching to the autonomous navigation system will allow the rover to cover more ground, it will map out the safest driving path to its destination on its own by...

    Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones split

    Michael Douglas Catherine Zeta-JonesThe big celeb news of the morning: Michael Douglas, 68, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, 43, are separating.
    The star couple is splitting after almost 13 years.
    Zeta-Jones' publicist, Cece Yorke tells USA TODAY in a statement, "Catherine and Michael are taking some time apart to evaluate and work on their marriage. There will be no further comment."
    The two haven't been seen together since April, says People magazine, and in recent days he's been relaxing on a yacht and playing golf in Sardinia, says the Daily Mail.
    They have had a rough few years, weathering his...

    Νεκρός βρέθηκε ο σχεδιαστής Μιχάλης Ασλάνης

    Νεκρός βρέθηκε ο γνωστός σχεδιαστής Μιχάλης Ασλάνης στο σπίτι του στο Κολωνάκι λίγο πριν τις τρεις το μεσημέρι της Τετάρτης. 

    Κατά πληροφορίες, το πλήρωμα του ΕΚΑΒ, που έσπευσε στο διαμέρισμα του σχεδιαστή στην οδό Σκουφά 21, αντίκρισε τον 65χρονο άνδρα νεκρό, ενώ γύρω του υπήρχαν κουτιά από ψυχοφάρμακα...

    VMA 2013 Red Carpet: Fashion Gets Wild At The MTV Music Awards (PHOTOS)

    The fashion of the MTV VMAs is notorious for being, well, highly unfashionable. From Rose McGowan's mesh dress-that-wasn't-a-dress in 1998 to Lady Gaga's meat ensemble in 2010, the outfits that have graced the VMA red carpet have always been questionable in taste and legendary in impact.
    Will tonight be any different? Check out our continuously updated slideshow below for a look at what all the stars wore to the 2013 VMAs on Sunday night...

    Stunning pictures of Linda Evangelista, Stephanie Seymour, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and other top supermodels

    Seven elite models cover Interview magazine and open up about their early days on the runways and their rise to fame.

    Linda Evangelista is one of seven September covers from Interview magazine.

    Once these seven women stepped into the spotlight, they never left.
    And Interview magazine’s September fall fashion issue is a tribute to models, featuring seven different covers and profiles of “the originals” — Linda EvangelistaChristy TurlingtonNaomi CampbellKate MossAmber VallettaStephanie Seymour and Daria Werbowy — in what can only be described as one of the most gorgeous series of glossies ever...

    Researcher Controls Colleague's Motions in First Human Brain-To-Brain Interface

    University of Washington researchers have performed what they believe is the first noninvasive human-to-human brain interface, with one researcher able to send a brain signal via the Internet to control the hand motions of a fellow researcher.

    Using electrical brain recordings and a form of magnetic stimulation, Rajesh Rao sent a brain signal to Andrea Stocco on the other side of the UW campus, causing Stocco's finger to move on a keyboard.

    While researchers at Duke University have demonstrated brain-to-brain communication...

    U.S. government warns agencies about dangers of Android malware

    Android Malware Security PatchesDespite some security improvements in recent releases, Android continues to have a major malware problem. The United States Department of Homeland Security has issued a report this summer outlining the threat that malware poses to emergency responders and security personnel who may find their Android devices compromised if they don’t take the proper precautions...

    Evidence of Internal Moon Water Found

    The central peak of Bullialdus crater (Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University)
    Scientists have detected magmatic water — water that originates from deep within the Moon’s interior — on the surface of the Moon. These findings represent the first such remote detection of this type of lunar water, and were arrived at using data from NASA’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) carried aboard India’s Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter.

    The discovery represents an exciting contribution to the rapidly changing understanding of lunar water according to Rachel Klima, a planetary geologist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md., and lead author of the paper, “Remote detection of...

    NASA successfully tests 3D printed rocket components

    NASA is one step closer to realizing its goal of using advanced technologies like 3-D printing to make every aspect of space exploration simpler and more cost-effective. From tools to food to spare parts and rocket engines, NASA is very interested in incorporating 3D printing

    The largest 3D printed rocket engine component NASA ever has tested roared to life Aug. 22 during an engine firing that generated a record 20,000 pounds of thrust. Early results indicate...

    'Parallels Access' Launches in App Store, Bringing Mac and Windows Access to the iPad

    Parallels, the company behind popular virtualization software Parallels, has launched a new iPad app and subscription service called Parallels Access that allows iPad and iPad mini users to remotely access and use their Mac or Windows apps on the device.

    With Parallels Access you can increase your productivity by accessing your computers and desktop applications from anywhere. You are able to access your...

    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    Apple’s Upcoming iPhone Trade-In Program Detailed

    More details of Apple’s alleged iPhone trade-in program, which is already being piloted, have leaked. According to sources speaking to 9to5Mac, Apple will market the new initiative as “iPhone Reuse and Recycle Program,” and will begin rolling it out to select stores this Friday, Aug. 30. A larger scale roll out is reportedly set for Sept., the same month Apple is expected to launch its iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C...

    Google Gets a Lot Less Open With Chromecast and Play Store on Lockdown

    With new changes to the official Play Store app policy and tighter control over Chromecast, Google’s era of openness may be coming to an end. That may seem like a bummer for developers, but it could be a new way of doing business that’s ultimately good for everyone.
    It’s a favorite gripe among Android fans: Apple’s walled garden approach to iOS is unnecessarily...

    Apple looking to turn the iPhone into an intelligent universal media, 'smart home' remote control

    Universal Remote

    An Apple patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on Tuesday describes a method in which a portable device, like the iPhone, can save, manage and recall entertainment and "smart home" system settings, called "scenes."...

    Apple rolls out revamped AppleCare Support page with live chat feature

    AppleCare SupportIn a recent change to its Support website, Apple integrated an interactive and streamlined user experience with powerful features like live chat to bring the portal more in line with the company's more recent webpage designs...

    Monday, August 26, 2013

    Custom-Engineered Bicycle Hits 80 Miles per Hour

    donhou_landspeed_01resizeLondon-based framebuilder Tom Donhou has managed 80 mph on a hand-made bicycle on the open road — though indoor tests ultimately revealed his bike was capable of reaching 102 mph...

    Watch Miley Cyrus' Childhood-Ruining VMAs Performance (video)

    Miley-cyrus-performanceTeddy bears and twerkers took over the MTV stage for Miley Cyrus' performance at MTV's Video Music Awards on Sunday night...

    Κατηγορίες για απάτη αντιμετωπίζει ο Ντόναλντ Τραμπ

    Σε μπελάδες έχει μπει ο αμερικανός μεγιστάνας Ντοναλντ Τραμπ που μάλλον θα του κοστίσουν  πολύ ακριβά. Ο γενικός εισαγγελέας της Πολιτείας της Νέας Υόρκης άσκησε δίωξη σε βάρος του και του ζητεί να επιστρέψει 40 εκατομμύρια δολάρια γιατί «εξαπάτησε» τους σπουδαστές «του πανεπιστημίου». που ίδρυσε το 2005.

    «Το γραφείο μου άσκησε διώξεις σε βάρος του Τραμπ και του Πανεπιστημίου Τραμπ, γιατί αυτό λειτούργησε χωρίς...

    Τι συμβαίνει με τις μυστηριώδεις «τρύπες» που καταπίνουν οικοδομικά τετράγωνα; (video)

    Τι συμβαίνει με τις μυστηριώδεις «τρύπες» που καταπίνουν ολόκληρα οικοδομικά τετράγωνα σε όλο τον κόσμο; [βίντεο]Ολοένα και πληθαίνουν καθημερινά οι αναφορές από όλο τον κόσμο - κυρίως όμως από τις ΗΠΑ και την Κίνα - για την αιφνίδια εκδήλωση ενός περίεργου και πολύ επικίνδυνου γεωλογικού φαινομένου:

    την εμφάνιση τεραστίων διαστάσεων «τρυπών» που ανοίγουν ξαφνικά σε κατοικημένες και μη περιοχές και καταπίνουν ολόκληρα κτίρια, σπίτια, ανθρώπους, δασικές εκτάσεις, ακόμη και οικοδομικά τετράγωνα...

    Sunday, August 25, 2013

    Ben Affleck Is Batman for 'Man of Steel' Sequel

    Ben Affleck Horizontal Two - H 2013The project was announced at Comic-Con earlier this year, prompting much speculation surrounding who would play the Caped Crusader. Zack Snyder is back in the director's chair for the project, which places Batman and Superman together on the big screen for the first time....

    PayPal Testing Face-Verification System for Mobile Payments

    paypal faceWhile we're not quite scanning retinas à la Mission Impossible and Minority Report, PayPal is now testing face verification for mobile-payment transactions.
    The ecommerce company's app has a tab labeled "Local," which helps users find nearby stores and restaurants that accept mobile PayPal payments. Once customers...

    Friday, August 23, 2013

    Wentworth Miller Comes Out: 'Prison Break' Star Reveals He's Gay

    Wentworth Miller Comes OutWentworth Miller is the latest celebrity to reveal he's gay.
    After being invited to attend the St. Petersburg International Film Festival in Russia, the "Prison Break" star decided it was time to go public with his sexual orientation....

    Thursday, August 22, 2013

    Nasdaq to resume trading at 3:25 after more than two-hour shutdown

    Partial trading resumed on the Nasdaq exchange at 3:03 PM ET after a nearly three-hour shutdown that halted trading in such high-profile companies such as Apple,Microsoft and Facebook.
    The Nasdaq earlier halted trading in all securities due to a problem affecting quote dissemination. 
    Dozens of publicly traded companies earlier were showing their shares halted. The Nasdaq status message was time stamped at 12:14:03 ET. An...

    Hannibal (Tv Series - Trailer)

     «Τάισε τον φόβο σου». Το μότο της σειράς του NBC σε προδιαθέτει για τα καλύτερα, η θεματική της είναι άκρως ελκυστική (η σχέση του Δρ. Λέκτερ με τον πράκτορα του FBI Γουιλ Γκρέιαμ, ο οποίος αρχικά αγνοεί ότι συμβουλεύεται τον μεγαλύτερο σήριαλ κίλερ όλων των εποχών) και το καστ πολύ δυνατό.

    Στον ρόλο του κανίβαλου ψυχολόγου ο...

    More photos of gold iPhone 5S leak, box of 128GB version spotted

    The rumors that Apple will break its black and white only color scheme for the iPhone 5S are heating up with more and more photos hitting the web. The 128GB option that analysts think will happen with the upcoming iPhone generation became more tangible too, thanks to an alleged photo of the iPhone 5S box...

    Αποχώρησε χωρίς να καταθέσει ο Χριστόφιας

    imageΆδοξο τέλος είχε η κατάθεση του Δημήτρη Χριστόφια ενώπιον της ερευνητικής επιτροπής, αφού ο τέως πρόεδρος αποχώρησε από την επεισοδιακή διαδικασία χωρίς να καταθέσει, θέτοντας την υπό αμφισβήτηση. 

    Ο πρόεδρος Γιώργος Πικής δέχθηκε τα πυρά του...

    Australian boffins brew up a hydrating beer

    BeerThanks to the world of Australian scientists, you can now hydrate by drinking beer.
    Quenching a hard earned thirst with a big cold beer just got better for you – thanks to the work of some clever Queensland scientists.
    Researchers from Griffith University's health institute have discovered that it is possible to substantially improve the hydrating effects of the amber ale.

    By adding electrolytes, an ingredient commonly found in sports drinks, and reducing the alcohol content researchers found that beer could become even more refreshing. And the best news for beer drinkers is that the taste of the modified...

    Wednesday, August 21, 2013

    Wikileaks trial: Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison

    Bradley ManningA military judge on Wednesday sentenced Army Pfc. Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison, ending a summer-long court-martial in which he was convicted of espionage for leaking a vast trove of classified U.S. military and diplomatic materials to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks in 2010.
    Army Col. Denise Lind, who delivered the sentence, found Manning guilty last month of six counts of...

    Now, smartphone app to report sexual harassment

    SmartphoneA new smartphone app that can enable people to report sexual harassment on the streets within seconds has been launched in the US.
    The app launched in New York enables...
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